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  1. R

    LST opinions?

    Well, I forgot to mention that it’s an autoflower. So no, no topping, just LST.
  2. R

    LST opinions?

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to ask for opinions on my first LST ever, just to be sure I’m close to doing it right. thank you!
  3. R

    Biobizz feeding - autoflower

    Hello there My tap water is usually at 7 / 7.3 PH and I usually drop it to 6.3 / 6.5. Today when I did the mixture of biobizz nutes for the first timethe PH dropped to 4 or less. What should I do? I have read to not mess with the ph of organic solutions. I’m using biobizz light mix soil and...
  4. R

    Concern on yellow dot - 2.5 week plant

    Hello everyone. probably I’m just over reacting but should I be concerned about this yellow point on one of my leaves? I have read several things about it. Not sureif it’s an issue or how to solve it. Any ideas ?
  5. R

    First grow

    This is her today. i guess it stepped up a bit
  6. R

    First grow

    I will take a look at that. i can probably upgrade for my second grow. thank you so much for your help
  7. R

    First grow

    Well, I will see where it gets me. It’s a learning journey I guess. btw, at what distance should I leave them? I’m not entirely sure, I have been reading a lot of different things about that.
  8. R

    First grow

    Yup, I have seen how to do it, I will try to as soon as it’s doable. Btw are this one’s (Not sure doe): I know they are shitty but let’s see if I can get something from it, so I can probably afford a decent ones in the future
  9. R

    First grow

    It's a 10L smartpot and the tent is a small one, just for one plant. a 60x60x160cm. And yes, the consumption of the lights is somewhere around 40/50W I believe.
  10. R

    First grow

    thanks for the reply! I’m using Janeco Light Mix Atami substract and I have added a bit of to the soil and some mycorrhiza (problly a bit to much since I was not aware of the quantities) Watering Ph always between...
  11. R

    First grow

    Hello guys, I’m trying to understand if the lights or anything I brought is working ok. so, this is a day over day pics from my first Autoflower seedling, and I wanted to ask if the growing progress seem ok to you or it’s somehow slow? Also, any tips on when should I start feeding it? Right...
  12. R

    Mycorrhizal Inoculant

    I have read that 1G was enough so I got a bit scared. thanks for the reply!
  13. R

    Mycorrhizal Inoculant

    Do you know if applying to much mycorrhizal hurts the plants? I just droped a whole 5g bag into a 10L gallon pot by mistake
  14. R

    Warm technic

    Amazing, good one!
  15. R

    Warm technic

    I will take a look on that!
  16. R

    Warm technic

    Hey there! Is anyone aware of any technic to raise a growtent temperature (a 2x2 one) just for 3/4 degrees ? Obviously I’m trying to avoid turning on a heater for this (eletric bills reasons ) thanks!
  17. R

    3.5 week old autoflower

    Yup, I was gonna give up on her tbh. But I will give it a chance since it's my first one :) Thanks for the feedback boys!
  18. R

    3.5 week old autoflower

    Well, it was on a balcony for 2 weeks, I guess that was the issue. But i noticed a small grow since I changer her into the growtent
  19. R

    3.5 week old autoflower

    Hey there! I just wanted to ask if any of you find this 3.5 week old autoflower mature enough? I have been checking some vids on the internet and it doesn't seem. (My 1st growth) Thanks!