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  1. bEelzeBosS

    Horrified to prune, don’t know which ones

    I've actually experimented with this more than once. Clones from same spots on same mom's, one defoliated, one left to bush up on it's own. I understand the "solar panel" argument and all, but in my experience my yield has always been noticeably better when I defoliate/expose more bud sites to...
  2. bEelzeBosS

    Would a plant be able to live it’s full life in a 1 gallon pot

    I grow exclusively in 1 gallon pots, but I grow in 100% coco.
  3. bEelzeBosS

    Spider farms sf1000 (unboxing)[email protected]

    Damn, my 4000 didn't come with that adjusting knob, I have to take the ballast off to adjust and it's a major pain in the ass. Should have waited.
  4. bEelzeBosS

    Anyone ever seen a seedling do this?

    If there's enough interest I'll keep updating this thread with pics throughout the life cycle.
  5. bEelzeBosS

    Anyone ever seen a seedling do this?

    Not complaining, I'm actually pretty stoked to see this. I've had two taproots from one seed grow into two separate plants before, but never had one plant split like this.
  6. bEelzeBosS

    Anyone ever seen a seedling do this?

    Been growing off and on for almost 10 years, never had a seedling split like this. It's almost like it was topped but i havent touched it since planting. The strain is Sannie's Jack feminized, seed was about 6 years old.
  7. bEelzeBosS

    My Nodes Are Too Close Together!

    I know it's an old thread, but my nodes on a "supposed" Gorilla Glue are so close the leaves don't have anywhere to go so it's growing like lettuce. I should have taken before I defoliated pics, but I'll put up some after defoliation in a few hours when the lights come back on.
  8. bEelzeBosS

    Flowering phase

    Probably a dumb question but has anyone experimented with changing the amount of darkness needed to trigger flowering? Long story why, but it would help my situation out tremendously if I could do 13 hours on and 11 off. Even 12.5 hours on and 11.5 off would help some.
  9. bEelzeBosS

    Thoughts and opinions needed please

    I'm a very experienced grower but have not done an autoflower strain in over 5 years and even then it was just a couple. From what I remember it is recommended to plant your germinated seed into the same pot you plan on it finishing in. Is this still the general consensus? Has anyone tried...
  10. bEelzeBosS

    How can I make distillate at home for vape carts ?

    Sorry if this has been asked 100000000+ times but is there a step-by-step tek out there somewhere for cart making? I already have a Source Turbo and I'm good at making oil/wax. I just need to know how to get it into the carts and explained to me like a child. I've found several Youtube videos...
  11. bEelzeBosS

    Alibaba rosin press?

    Did you buy straight from their website or Amazon? I noticed the ones on amazon dont come with the hand pump and supposedly its a pain in the ass to find one that fits.
  12. bEelzeBosS

    ISO alchol hard to come by. now curious which 99% to use making hash?

    Thanks guys...plenty of everclear at my local walmart. Never used it before, how much flower will a fifth of 190 proof clean? I have at least a pound, probably more...just need an idea of how many bottles I'll need to pick up. Sorry to hijack your thread Susanne.
  13. bEelzeBosS

    ISO alchol hard to come by. now curious which 99% to use making hash?

    I'm in the same boat as you Susanne. I have over a pound of popcorn buds/trim and was wanting to make a bunch of oil but I cant find any iso stronger than 70% in my area. Debating on whether I should use a gallon of everclear or not.
  14. bEelzeBosS

    ISO alchol hard to come by. now curious which 99% to use making hash?

    Found those, but it doesn't say the strength anywhere in the description and I cant tell from the image on the bottle.
  15. bEelzeBosS

    Seeds Nabbed @ Chicago ISC?

    Ordered 25 seeds from MSNL, tracking says "Your item has been processed through our facility in ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS) at 4:08 pm on April 24, 2020." with no update since so today is 2 weeks. Is there any chance at all they'll still be delivered or are they likely gone? When I ordered 5 years ago...
  16. bEelzeBosS

    Mutant plant or something else going on?

    Six plants, five the same strain, the one in the middle is different. I know the seeds the other five came from are from the same mom for a fact because I produced them years ago by spraying colloidal silver on one branch forcing it to produce pollen sacks, then used the pollen to fertilize...