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  1. G

    Potassium deficiency ?

    80-100 ppm calmag plus
  2. G

    Potassium deficiency ?

    I feed organic magic food.
  3. G

    Potassium deficiency ?

    Lately I been using filtered water 0 ppm and addingcalmag to it. I was using well water but I stopped when it came back positive for coliform bacteria e coli.
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    Potassium deficiency ?

    It's hard to see in the pictures but there's lighting/fading going on the edges of the leaves. I'm readying that's almost never K deficiency in veg but I'm not sure. A lot of conflicting info about weed deficiency.
  5. G

    Potassium deficiency ?

    Starting to see lightening around the edges which is indicative of potassium deficiency but its happening mostly on the mid to upper portion of the plant which is throwing me off. Any ideas ? Medium is roots organic original. Temps 70-78. Humidity on low side 25-50%. 4 bulb T5 in a 2x4. Been...
  6. G

    Am I a complete idiot? What in the hell do I keep doing to cause this?

    IMO Looks like lack of food via lack of water. People usually underwater in fears of overwatering.
  7. G

    Many thirps in day 40 of flower

    You can completely eliminate fungus gnats from the top by using play sand. An inch or two layer on top will do it. I see you have air pots so the holes could be a problem. Maybe tape up the bottom half.
  8. G

    Spider mites 4 weeks till harvest smh

    I used it in flower before it works well. Just make sure you keep fan on the plant and ventilation on Blast to avoid rot.
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    Is coliform bacteria harmful to plants ?

    I'm fixing to turn on my uv after light out to hunt these glowing shit tails down.
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    Is coliform bacteria harmful to plants ?

    I'm just thinking about all the times I foliar sprayed something and weird shit would happen to the plants.
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    Is coliform bacteria harmful to plants ?

    I will. I been using filtered water from my house but that's treated by RO so I have to add calmag which I hate doing. I never used RO or filtered water so I'm winging it with the calmag adding about 100-150ppm per gallon of zero ppm filtered water.
  12. G

    Is coliform bacteria harmful to plants ?

    Can it harm the actual plant ? I'm reading that it can live in the root zone and eat plant exudates.
  13. G

    Is coliform bacteria harmful to plants ?

    I have a well that tested positive for e coli coliform bacteria. I don't use it for anything other than watering plants. Can it be harmful? I can't find a clear cut answer with e coli. I been using filtered water since the test.
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    Tiki Madman

    Lit farms are the worst with manipulating photos. It's like college girls on Instagram vs real life. Don't fall for it.
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    Tiki Madman

    I hope I don't get the Gelatti cuz I already have it. I'll trade you if I do.
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    Very bottom leaf set curling all of a sudden

    You're better off trimming all that lower foliage to allow better airflow and easy access for watering.
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    Scam don't do it.
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    Clone only strains

    That's my next clone purchase. It looks so beautiful in pictures.
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    Anyone have an apples n bananas plant ? I got a clone from a friend that was at emerald cup.
  20. G

    Worth transplanting at flip ?

    I got these two lit farms plants in 1 gallon plastic pots. Just flipped to 12/12 and was debating on whether to transplant to a 3 gallon or not. It's in coco/perlite. Can I get by with the 1's ? Would be my yields increase with a bigger pot ? This would be my first time flowering in 1's.