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  1. G


    Neptune's were supposed to carry the compound drop tomorrow but apparently treestar complained to compound so he decided to pull out of his deal with Neptune's hours before the drop went live. Now Neptune's are saying they're dropping compound genetics from the site for good.
  2. G


    Low blow by compound and star tree or whatever that wack bank is called.
  3. G

    Think i'm over watering my auto

    I'm close to you. If you ever wanna trade clones or something hit me up.
  4. G

    Mass Medical Strains

    Sorry to hear that man. I used FFOF and FFHF for these but I sterlize the soil with boiling water and sometimes hydrogen peroxide. I been burned by bugs with these soils too many times. I think the sterilization process decrease the nutritional value in the soil a little. After the boiling water...
  5. G

    Something is wrong with my clone!!

    Just needs a little LST and she'll take off.
  6. G

    Mass Medical Strains

    Putang S1 a couple weeks from emergence. Small one is a Wolfpack 41G's (Gary Payton x Gelato 41)
  7. G


    Anyone cop from Glo lately ? His Lit prices seem too good to be true.
  8. G

    Think i'm over watering my auto

    If you really wanna use it All you need is 1 tspn per gallon like once every week or two.
  9. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    That's actually what I usually prefer to do. I do either jacks or this organic magic fertilizer. Best shit I ever used it's just a little pricey to be using regularly.
  10. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    Yeah that's it. The 315 is an amazing light but it's also a flame thrower that's why I been stretching out the T5's.
  11. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    It really is. My issue with dry fertilizer is I'm not good at predicting the right time to use. I'm either too late or too early. I have these clones in roots organic which supposedly charged from 14-21 days. I was thinking of adding the craft blend at 14 days.
  12. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    Light is 4bulb T5 and I have a CMH 315. Nutrients not sure yet I have dry fertilizer like craft blend/ and I have organic liquid fertilizer.
  13. G

    Clones Vs Seeds

    My thought process exactly. Not only are you getting that one keeper that the breeder worked so hard to find but you can make infinite amount of clones from it.
  14. G

    Clones Vs Seeds

    If I run something for 3-4 cycles to find that 1 cut you best believe I'm charging no less than $200. Add to it verified and pest/disease tested genetics and that's another $100. I totally get why these top breeders charge as much as they do.
  15. G

    Clones Vs Seeds

    Got a fool proof method for you. Get a medium size sandwich bag, soak your plugs in tap water for a couple minutes, spray bag a couple times and put your cut in the bag and close it. Don't touch it again until you see roots. You can give it fresh air every couple days if you please.
  16. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    Off topic question for you. What's the ideal watering temperature? My well water be in the low 60's. Should be room temp ?
  17. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    Nah I do well water which is usually around 100 ppm.
  18. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    They were in some kinda pro mix. Yeah after reading all the comments I think I'll just plain water for a few days and see what happens.
  19. G

    Mag deficiency ?

    New clones I got a couple days ago. Gary Payton and lumpys Apple Fritter. Transplanted them yesterday into roots organic original soil. Should I hit them with epsom foliar? Or give them a couple more days to see if the new soil/transplant starts working it's way into the roots. Should I add...