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  1. W

    Yes. Please PM me a # where you can be reached and I will get back to you. Matt

    Yes. Please PM me a # where you can be reached and I will get back to you. Matt
  2. W

    ed rosenthal in lansing

    I have seen the curriculum for Oaksterdam, and its a joke. Only a fraction of what is needed is taught and patients have told me after taking their 6 week class they are at the same place as when they started. Who better to teach the intricacies of the Michigan law and procedure than Michigan...
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    ed rosenthal in lansing

    You can get a better value @ A bit more intensive but you will have a solid foundation to start growing.
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    In need of a caregiver! :D

    Thank god it wasn't another please give me free meds so I can scam caregivers thread.
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    Foreclosure Sell

    Careful, Rasputin is gonna flag you, he is a volunteer
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    Michigan supersoil growers?

    Amazon, or ebay
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    I'm out of green :(

    About 20 ounces, nearly dry, but the humidity is has been so high I guess it couldn't dry that last bit. What does this mean? If you were drying correctly, I cant see how you managed that.
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    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    Come get certified. Stop procrastinating and PM me to schedule an appt today!
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    Noob Here Looking for Advice

    Forget what everyone has said. Search Subcool's Supersoil here. You're Welcome.
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    Which Dispensaries Should I Take My Overages to?

    I am pretty sure that the MDCH has cleared any of your "confusion":,1607,7-154-27417_51869_52137---,00.html You, or your designated primary caregiver, may grow your marihuana. There is no place in the state of Michigan to legally purchase medical marihuana...
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    Which Dispensaries Should I Take My Overages to?

    Dispensaries are illegal and they take all your information down before they will even speak with you. Other Caregivers/Patients are your best bet to be safe. There is so much 'basement homegrown' quality going around that no one will pay more than 200/oz for it even if you have been growing...
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    New 'Round Here

    What you fail to mention is that those doctors up there charge $200+, and the ones that charge $99 are very unprofessional and shady. I know this not cause its "my opinion" but from people calling me up and asking to make an appt.
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    New 'Round Here
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    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    PM Sent. Please don't hesitate to call. Thanks.
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    Craigslist Alternative

    Another alternative is PM'ing me for any of your medical marijuana needs....
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    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    May Bump. Patients that are interested in a making an appt; please PM me.
  18. W

    How to open a compassion club.

    Well, if you are talking about a type of compassion club that I used to run, where information was given out and growing advice was given free of charge, then all you need is venue to hold it. I suggest making a nonprofit org, which you can do with 20 bucks and a trip to Lansing. This will allow...
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    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    Only problem is that for a caregiver, there is no way to verify if those documents are legit.
  20. W

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    Depends on the city. Different city councils enforced different rules on patient/cg relationship, but if both parties are discreet and responsible in their actions there shouldn't be a problem.