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  1. W

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    He can buy from whomever, but for the CG to be protected he needs to wait the 21 days as said in the law.
  2. W

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?

    You're I think this does. Sec. 9. (a) If the department fails to adopt rules to implement this act within 120 days of the effective date of this act, a...
  3. W

    Do you have to wait another 21 days after signing up with a caregiver?,1607,7-132-27417_51869_52140---,00.html Question: How do I become a caregiver? Answer: The MMMA defines a "Primary Caregiver" as a person who is at least 21 years old and who has agreed to assist with a patient's medical use of marihuana and who has never been...
  4. W

    DEA raids caregivers of America, Walled Lake...

    That's why patients should just stick to me :)
  5. W

    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    These are the type of clinics in which patients are the most uncomfortable. Usually these places are dimly lit, and the staff are not knowledgeable about the law or able to explain the process in a clear or concise manner. "Out the door" and "In and done" last I checked were not medical terms...
  6. W

    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    For those who can't PM me leave me a visitor message with your email and I will get back to you asap. Thanks.
  7. W

    Sure. Email me your contact info and I will get back to you asap. [email protected]

    Sure. Email me your contact info and I will get back to you asap. [email protected]
  8. W

    [Indoors] My take on trimming

    This is how properly trimmed marijuana should look like, not a shred of leaf. You wait 3+ months for a harvest why not take the hour or two to properly trim them?
  9. W

    [Indoors] My take on trimming

    This is horrible advice. Please disregard OP's post.
  10. W

    I need details of cronic pain case passing.

    Thanks for the reco. If you need anything marijuana related, shoot me a PM.
  11. W

    Can't PM you yet but, email me @ [email protected] with your contact # and I will get back...

    Can't PM you yet but, email me @ [email protected] with your contact # and I will get back to you asap. Thanks. Matt
  12. W

    I need details of cronic pain case passing.

    I think you are a bit delusional as to what you are expecting from this situation.
  13. W

    Is p2p selling legal?

  14. W

    Who's Going to HASH BASH 2011?

    Ever since 09 I have been wondering if more people are selling their meds there, P2P or P2CG etc kinda thing...
  15. W

    Patient looking for provider in or around alpena,mi

    I am in need of 2 or more oz's a month free anything over that I will be willing to pay for. ROFL.
  16. W

    For Patients who Still Need to Make an Doctor Appt

    Why pay more when you can pay less? Appts being made 6 days a week. PM me to schedule one asap.
  17. W

    Please PM me a contact # so we can speak in detail about your situation.

    Please PM me a contact # so we can speak in detail about your situation.