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  1. G

    I'm lost with this one

    Still can't find a single russet even under the 200x. I'm starting to think it could be my ph pen so I ordered a new one. Burned 3 plants because they completely gave up. We'll see what happens with the new ph pen.
  2. G

    I'm lost with this one

    What can cause this other than bugs ? I can't find a single bug with my USB scope or loup.
  3. G

    Mephisto drop

    I would sell you my stash if you were in the US. I tried mephisto once and didn't like it as much as photos. I know US seedbanks have a few bags here and there.
  4. G

    Tiki Madman

    Man says he's a breeder and not a crosser. Glad he admits his Jealousy is just a pheno he hunted from 2 jbeezy Jealousy packs.
  5. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    Wow that sucks man. I hope they pull through for you. The weird thing about the damage on my plants is that it all started on the bud sights only. Even the lower ones got damaged. Now it spread outwards to the nearby fan leaves.
  6. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    I'm give them a week or two if things keep deteriorating they going into a burn pile. Can't be wasting my space on a two blunt harvest. I sprayed them tonight with Dr zymes that I got as a sample. In a couple days I'll hit them with neem or captain jack spinosad. From what I been reading if it's...
  7. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    I've always ph'd my coco to 5.8 because it works best in my experience. Jacks recommends 5.8-5.9. The LED was at 250-300 watt at 24 inches. The temps were in stable range except one day it went to the upper 80's. Humidity between 50-65%.
  8. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    It's kinda puzzling situation. The plants were doing great under a 4 bulb T5 for a few weeks then I moved them under HLG 550 at 280-300 watt at 24 inches. A day later I sprayed them with insecticidal soap just as a preventive measure. I been feeding them the same nutrients since day one with no...
  9. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    I was thinking either that or russet. I just saw this gooey residue leaf.
  10. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    Sever damage that I've never experienced before. All happened within a couple days.
  11. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    Maybe I'm just paranoid but I doubt it. Everything I'm seeing is pointing to mites but I still can't physically see one with my 60x and 100x scope.
  12. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    Not the brown spots those are probably dirt. The bright white ones
  13. G

    What kinda eggs are these ?

    For the pest experts
  14. G

    Help with diagnosis

    Yup that's what I'm doing.
  15. G

    Help with diagnosis

    Idk man I'm lost at this point. T5 was around 200 watt at 16 inches. I moved them to HLG at 250-300 watt at 24 inches. Temp did get up to 85-87 one day then down to 65 that same night. Leaf temps been in the 70-75 range. I keep checking for bugs and can't find any other than a few fungus knats...
  16. G

    Help with diagnosis

    Could insecticidal soap cause this ? I sprayed the plants a couple days prior to the damage.
  17. G

    Help with diagnosis

    Anybody ?
  18. G

    Durban Poison - Where’s the stretch?

    They will just give them a couple weeks. Here's a few pics of my snowhigh Durban poison run. Best strain I have ever grown.