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  1. G

    Help with diagnosis

    So I just moved a few plants from under a 4 bulb T5 to an HLG 550. Plant's were looking great until two days after the move they're all showing the same damage. Is it light/heat damage or is it a pest issue ? I checked leaves with the magnifying scope and didn't see anything. Feed schedule and...
  2. G

    Tiki Madman

    Idk if I wanna cop this or the gellati bx or wait for the Wolfpack drop in December or cop the Raw strawberry Fritter or the snowhigh devil's tits or a 3rd coast pure Michigan or Lit farm velvet. Too many options right now.
  3. G

    Tiki Madman

    It's all about the bag appeal and IG pictures. Nobody seems to care about the actual high.
  4. G


    Idk about all those random people on strainly selling high profile clones. They can't be trusted.
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    LIt Farms

    Forgot the picture
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    LIt Farms

    I just recently popped a couple Jordanz (Gary Payton x Runtz) and the Jelousy x cherry cheesecake. The small ones are Tiki madman sherbert shortcake x banana zkittles. I'll update here on the lit farms as much as possible.
  7. G

    Growing in coco question

    If I can use this watering system I would never use soil again. I'm only using soil because I don't have enough time to water coco. Going from coco to soil is like going from a big truck to a freaking horse buggy. I'm just a bad soil grower. We don't get along.
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    Growing in coco question

    How much did the Blumats cost you ? I would love to grow in all coco but unfortunately I don't have the time for watering. If I can get that figured out I would never again deal with soil.
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    Question about spore prints

    Damn that's genius. I wish I new this back then. I ended up only taking 1 print and I put it in my wallet. I was too paranoid to take more.
  10. G

    150w Led Flood Light

    I got the same style lights when I was in Lebanon and Jordan. Worked great and made me think we getting shafted in the United States with these expensive led lights.
  11. G

    How to germinate seeds without a heat mat ?

    Keep them in floating in a cup of water until you see tap root then transfer to paper towels for a day then dirt/Coco. If they don't crack in water after 3-4 days take out and place in paper towel. If they sink to bottom take out immediately. Keep at 70-80 degrees.
  12. G

    Growing in coco question

    Air pruning is one of its perceived benefits. For a newbie though I'd use fabric to decrease the chances of overwatering and suffocating your roots if in soil. In coco the benefits of plastic outweigh those of fabric.
  13. G

    Giant seedlings.

    There's a difference between healthy growth and skinny little stretch monster. This one was insane. Grew inches a day after that first week from seed. Less than 6 weeks he outgrew the tent and I had to put him down. You can see dates on pics.
  14. G

    Growing in coco question

    I like using plastic pots with coco they work better for me. 3 gallon max. You don't need it to air out like soil in fabric. Plus you don't want it drying too quickly unless you have plenty of free time to water 2-3 times a day. In plastic I water once a day and it works perfectly m.
  15. G

    What’s this please?

    If you're all organic and don't mind spending a few bucks try this
  16. G

    Acapulco gold seeds

    Hit up John from snowhigh genetics he might have a few left. This dude got nothing but legit flame throwers. Ask for updated list. [email protected]
  17. G

    Clawing don’t stop

    I know your struggle with those fake peat/Coco bags. Some of those bags are already super hot before you add anything.
  18. G

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Lol. Definitely stick with one or the other. I recommend coco for new growers because it's easier to diagnose and treat. Try one pot of coco next time and see how you like it. Good luck.
  19. G

    More or less water vs. more or less nutes?

    Lol at the banana bread. IMO coco is so much easier for beginners because you know exactly what the plant. Plus you can quickly fix any issues that come up. It takes more time and effort in watering/feeding and ph adjusting but it's so worth it when you have complete control over the plant.