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  1. G

    Anyone else have this problem with Spiderfarmer Lights?

    I keep a smoke/carbon detector and fire extinguisher around all my tents/grow areas. Nothing is worth your life. If you have the slightest suspension in anything in your grow eliminate it immediately.
  2. G

    Growing tent waaay too hot

    Open the tent from the top corner if you must.
  3. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    That's what I thought. I've used peat moss in the states and never looked like this. This shit has fibers like coco and feels like it.
  4. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    Yeah it does have a sweet scent. I sprinkled a little with the "peat moss" and made a pot to test it out.
  5. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    Thanks for the info. The soil here is similar to yours I tried it by itself in a solo cup and it turned into mud after watering. I mixed 50/50 red soil and peat moss and still muddy. Outside in the yard I think it'll work well but putting it in a pot it's looking like a mud feast.
  6. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    That's exactly what I'm doing right now. I have a bag of Gypsum and vermiculite I might throw a little in the mix.
  7. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    I would if I had any experience and materials for that style but I'm totally clueless on that front.
  8. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    None taken. Everything here looks like garbage. God bless the US of A. I used to spend an hour at the grow shop cuz there's so much good shit to pick from.
  9. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    How much should I add like 5% ? I have a bag of gypsum and a bag of vermiculite.
  10. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    I know they use this soil to grow the shitty stuff they grow outdoors here but I got some good seed from the states I'm not trying waste it on mud. Also never seen organic fert that look like fish food. Dude gave me this for free.
  11. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    Yeah im near the valley. This they say is peat moss
  12. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    Yeah I think it's the same shit you guys talking about. This is what they call red soil and the other they say it's peat moss but it looks more like coco to me.
  13. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    In the Levant region Lebanon/Syria boarder area. I'm in a small town I can't get anything else.
  14. G

    Anyone ever use red soil for growing ?

    I can't get any of the conventional soils people use in the states and Europe. All I have access to is red soil and peat moss. Should I even try it ?
  15. G

    How soon can I put seedling in sun ?

    I let them germinate inside then I moved them outside on day 2 for about 3 hours and they looked like they were hurting from the sun so I brought them back inside. They're 3 days old right now under cfl light.
  16. G

    How soon can I put seedling in sun ?

    Do ypu guys put your newly germinated plants directly in the sun ? This my first time trying outdoors and it seems like the sun is too hot for little seedling. I'm at my overseas house and the temps are 80-90 degrees with humidity between 30%-50%. Idk if it makes any difference but UV index is...
  17. G

    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    Totally agree with this. Imo autos are for experienced growers that can easily diagnose issues and fix them quickly because the clock it ticking. Put a few photos under your belt then try autos.
  18. G

    Never had Durban Poisoin, never had Lamb's Breath. Help please!

    Idk about lamb bread but Durban poison from snowhigh genetics is best plant I have ever grown. It's regular seed but 7 out of 10 were females. You email the breeder John is the only way to purchase.
  19. G

    Looking for something other than General Hydroponic

    Get some jacks 321 or organic liquid fertilizer. Those two methods gave me best plants ever.
  20. G

    Agar bitches

    Yeah you're definitely right about that. I respect everything they do checking million of bags on a daily basis is not an easy job. I was surprised at how extensive they were in New York this time around. They were screening every single carry on through the x-ray and then would take 2-3 bags...