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  1. Deltron 3030

    think ur good at cloning?

    i take my clones, clean up excess leaf and cut the tips off. I then stick the clone with rooting powder in a solo cup with my soil mixture minus all the amendments save the addition of worm castings. I keep them in a humidity dome. Its not the best method but I get almost 100% survival rate and...
  2. Deltron 3030

    Persian White Poppy Late Harvest + Other Poppy Growing and Heroin Production Info

    What is the raw opium high like? How about the then further refine product. I ask because Ive never, nor would I try them. I totally respect the poppy, it is a truly amazing and very spiritual plant. What are the addictive qualities of raw opium and how is it ingested? Im sorry for being so nosy...
  3. Deltron 3030


    If you are worried about them getting wet you could just throw a lean-to or an a frame over the plant and put a tarp over it. A bit of rain isnt anything thats gonna end the world but its when youve got consistent days that are damp and rainy. Its not so much in early flower but in the end that...
  4. Deltron 3030

    Black man kills three women, libturd media won't mention their races for some reason.

    Im so fucking sick of the media and their constant barrage of embellished stories or reports that hold no relevance to the large issues of today. Excuse my french but holy shit its like the news has become a show for entertainment rather than unbias fact. How many hundreds of people have been...
  5. Deltron 3030

    Hydro shop etiquette?

    I would never, ever ask advice from a hydro store. Not for legality but for the reason that they have no idea what they are talking about or they are trying to be Johnny Salesman and sell you some B.S. Now Im not speaking for all shops, because my local one is awesome and the owner knows A LOT...
  6. Deltron 3030

    found some plants growing by my house..

    Hey those are mine asshole! JP I put more effort into it then that lol. Those plants are looking a little ratchet and whoever is growing them there has 0 plant knowledge. But hey, theyre already in the ground so Id let em grow. Worst case scenario I just make tincture out the nugs.
  7. Deltron 3030

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    I can definitely get some pictures of the greenhouse next time I see one of the employees doing maintenance. They are going trout in 2 massive vessels which is fed by overhead sprayers to everything. The company that does this is a multi million dollar mining company that is regreening the city...
  8. Deltron 3030

    Aquaponics - let the fish be your nutrient!

    I live by a greenhouse that produces 1000's of pine trees for regreening efforts totally 100% aquaponics. Pretty sweet operation
  9. Deltron 3030

    BigB's second medical grow. Outdoor 2013.

    LOL I bought to exact same fencing for the exact same purposes! 25 bucks for 15 feet at lowes, Im in! Dope grow my man, props!
  10. Deltron 3030

    Hello there! Thinking about growing but unsure...

    The smell is hard to hide my man so if thats an issue for you outdoors may be your best bet. When I come out of my room, even veg, I smell like a big bud. It just sticks to my clothes. Im coming out with a cologne line scented like Mary J....Im naming it Au La Danké
  11. Deltron 3030

    How do i know when my plant enter its flowering stage

    Generally speaking you'll see them start to stretch and the spaces between nodes become elongated. You will also see increased pistil (the white hairs) production. They will have some pistils when sexually mature but this doesnt mean they are in flower but just sexually mature. After this...
  12. Deltron 3030

    When to top my outdoor girls?

    Hey I'm going to reply to the pm you sent me here so that others may chime in or learn from our discussions. The clones I took off the top rooted noticeably faster than those taken from the middle area as I would normally do. The plants took longer to recover from this topping than if I were to...
  13. Deltron 3030

    Hey Man Im going to shoot you a reply on the forum thread so others can see the info, no worries...

    Hey Man Im going to shoot you a reply on the forum thread so others can see the info, no worries about the questions man I often do the same. Im really glad I could help!
  14. Deltron 3030

    When to top my outdoor girls?

    I also forgot to mention what I meant by topping, because there are a million different ways. When I top I pinch the newest set of leafs off along with the terminal bud. I also did one set of topping by taking clones to do an experiment with clones from the tops of plants vs lower growth. Good...
  15. Deltron 3030

    When to top my outdoor girls?

    The amount you top really comes down to personal preference (sorry for such ambiguity). Outside I topped my plant to the extent that some may cringe but it was down out of necessity. I couldnt have 8ft+ plants in my yard. As soon as the new tops reached a few inches in length they were topped...
  16. Deltron 3030

    Medication should be free

    You have reasonable access to any other kind of medication so why should marijuana be excluded. Medical cannabis users are not welfare recipients in most cases they are sick people. Not to mention the fact that a lot of people on welfare a:bigjoint:re not the perceived burn outs but many are...
  17. Deltron 3030

    anyone like to steal pot plants?

    This year I said fuck the rippers and just planted my sweet holy herb everywhere man. If smokey the bear or some sticky fingered punk wants to rip my crop theyre gonna have A LOT of looking and walking to do. These things are so spread out sometimes I cant even find them! What kind of world do...
  18. Deltron 3030

    Bat guano. Tea vs. top dressing.

    I go OCD with the goodies I add to my soil. Top dressing your amendments along with a badass tea recipe is a two pronged approach to killer buds. Along with guanos I LOVE to add trace minerals (get as many as you can into the tea and soil, theres over 100 minerals plants use). Rock dust, algae...
  19. Deltron 3030

    Is it too late to start???

    You still have time dude, so giv'er! You wont be growing trees by any means but you will get some homegrown smoke as well as extract material for a bit of work. Good luck man!
  20. Deltron 3030

    marijuana seeds canada

    Ive ordered from them twice, shipping is relatively good for Canadian standards and the germination rate was 100%. Their pricing is comparable to other vendors, Id recommend them highly! The selection is awesome as well, they have most top breeders