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  1. Cascadian

    Dinafem Critical+

    It was just a runt imo. I just grew a Crit+2 auto, a Haze 2 auto, and 3 Amnesia Autos. One of the Amnesia was a way worse runt than you have. The Crit+2 actually did the best, it was just a breeding grow for the outdoors. They were flowered under 12/12.
  2. Cascadian

    Desperatly needs help with old auto.

    Simple way to check for root aphids. At the base of the pot put down a couple good size strips of duct tape adhesive side up (they are attracted to the adhesive). Wait 12-24 hours and check the tape. You will know if you have them... To get rid of them it is simple, sell all your equipment...
  3. Cascadian

    Strawberry cough vs. Big Bud which is which? HELP

    Post a pic of the whole plant when it was growing. Shots showing the leaves would be best. Bigbud is a 90% indica and Strawberry cough is mostly sativa. The fatter leaves are probably the BB and the taller one is likely the SC.
  4. Cascadian

    Jointed's Journey

    Hell yeah, can't wait to hit the water... Found the pipe! Seems I am always putting them somewhere safe that seems brilliant when I am baked then I totally forget where I put it, lol. This is my favorite pipe of all time. Only slightly larger than a lighter, reversible (2 deep bowls), easy...
  5. Cascadian

    Jointed's Journey

    Will do! On my phone now (about to get some zeezz), but tomorrow will dig em out. Need to find my "fishing" pipe, perfect excuse to search...
  6. Cascadian

    Jointed's Journey

    Sweet pipe, never seen one like it. Thanks for the tip, it does get old cleaning screens. looks like that design could go a while without cleaning too. Makes me want to post some of my pieces... Mam#1 is lookin good!
  7. Cascadian

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Subbed up, glad someone else is going to follow through with the experiment. I did a defoliation experiment recently with just one plant (only for my own curiosity). When I was reading up on it there was mention that starting defoliating in veg is a good idea to get the plant used to losing...
  8. Cascadian

    Jointed's Journey

    She's a beauty J! Especially for being in a 1 gallon... Major props bro.
  9. Cascadian

    Top 5 favorite comedians?

    1 George Carlin (no question) John Belushi Sam Kinison Richard Pryor Andy Kaufman
  10. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah J, that's my take on it too. I wouldn't mind sharing, especially with a fellow grower. I have had a crop ripped before so I know the feeling well. I had 4 nice NL#5 going in eastern Washington back in the late 90's. I remember considering harvesting them but decided to wait about a...
  11. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Fucking thieves, my number one concern this summer. Though I'll admit I would probably check someone else's plants for a few seeds and might clip a small bud for a sample but would never consider ripping a gorilla growers crop (put me in the "very very" gracious thief catagory). I am thinking...
  12. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah, he was growing the same strain throughout. Before he got the RAs he was pulling 2 1/2 lbs and after could not get more than 1 1/2 lbs. Actually more than 30% drop. It wasn't all the RAs, according to him it was the chemicals used to treat them as much as the actual RA problem...
  13. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah, I have read about people with large grows that just deal with them using a regimen of merit 75 and a few other products. They had yields reduced by about 30% as a result, can't help but wonder how my plants would do without the RAs. If I use nematodes I can't use the chemicals so it is a...
  14. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Haha, great minds think alike... Wish I could smoke some with you bro, maybe at some point. Truth is I don't think I can beat the RAs, they can live almost anywhere for long periods of time. If I kill every one in the pots and the rooms they can still crawl back in from some random crack...
  15. Cascadian

    Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

    Yeah, a lot of people use neem as a foliar. I don't like spraying my plants with oil based stuff unless I have to. It is systemic so the roots will uptake it into the plant either way. I use only about 4-5 ml / gallon. Never used serenade or had PM (knock on wood) so not positive there but...
  16. Cascadian

    Late night at the cove -extra cheezy edition

    Hey canna, I have always used the mosquito dunks as a drench rather than a dunk. Seems to work pretty well but it does take a couple applications to kill them all. I usually rotate with some neem drenches too. If you did a full dunk with BT my bet is you are going to see it work very well...
  17. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    This is it for the indoors until sept/oct. The boat will now be in the garage (where the tent is now), planning on a boat in camping and fishing trip for memorial day and need some time to get it dialed in. I'm also itching to start my battle with the root aphids. Been doing a lot of...
  18. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah man, I don't blame you. I need to be more of a dick about it. This was the second (and last time) she will borrow it. Trimmed up the plants a little bit before hanging, mainly just any big fan leaves. A few pics Purple Diesel Critical Plus 2 auto Sugar Plum X JTRxPurUrk HH...
  19. Cascadian

    White hairs?

    At 6 weeks old it is totally normal for the plant to mature (pistils at internodes). Mine will show at around 6 weeks under 24/0 lighting. If you see clusters of pistils forming that would be strange.
  20. Cascadian

    Help - Pollination? ???

    You will see the pistils recede within 24-48 hours usually and signs of seed development in about 5-7 days. Sounds like you should be fine to me...