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  1. zombiegirl

    Panic! Almost all the fan leaves on one of my plants have died and fallen off!

    It started out with the leaves turning a golden yellow and then falling off. It has just been in the last week that the browning and spots have formed. Looking at another chart suggests Potassium deficiency, but the nutes I am giving them (Dyna-Gro Bloom) should give them what they need in...
  2. zombiegirl

    Panic! Almost all the fan leaves on one of my plants have died and fallen off!

    More help please! See post #32... Thank you!:hug: Very first grow. This is bagseed and I was lucky enough to get two females on the first try. Yay! Or so I thought... 44days of 12/12 later (vegged for 3 weeks) and one of my plants is pretty pissed at me. I changed over to flowering nutes with a...
  3. zombiegirl

    Best plant for a beginner? Is there one?

    I vote bagseed. I am on my first grown and am just using bagseed from some smoke I really liked. Only found 3 seeds in a half so I thought it might be a good sign. It seems to be going really well.
  4. zombiegirl

    do i have enough light

    The only thing I would suggest are larger buckets. Your roots will run out of room quickly in 1.5 gal. That is if they haven't already. Root-bound plans can stop you from producing as much as you hope.
  5. zombiegirl

    Do Bud Enhancers work in soil grows???

    I don't think I am, but maybe I am overly sensitive. It just seemed short and arrogant.
  6. zombiegirl

    When will I see real buds...trying to be patient....

    Under actually. :( they are recovering from a drought after I left them alone for a few days. Also think I may have a bit of excess N. I gave them a big drink of clean water and I'm going to leave them alone a few days and hopefully they will bounce back.
  7. zombiegirl

    When will I see real buds...trying to be patient....

    Good question. I have been wondering the same thing. Mine are a little fuller since the beginning, but I look at other people's huge colas and I wonder how it gets from this to that or if it ever will.
  8. zombiegirl

    harvest #2....

    It's so purdy. :weed:
  9. zombiegirl

    please pass on the miracle gro

    I keep hearing this, but I am having decent luck with my MG Moisture Control, so I don't know. I like it. It's good for someone who is broke and experimenting. Lots of things will get upgraded the next go round, but I may stick with the MG again if my two little plants yield anything good.
  10. zombiegirl

    "Green Crack" bag seed. Very first Grow.

    Thanks for the replies guys! bde0001 Yes, it is an incandescent. I had another 100w eq there but I dropped it. :( I lowered it between the plants just to get a little more light to the lower growth. There are 6 other 100w eq cfls above it.... If ti's lowered between them will it still cause...
  11. zombiegirl

    Do Bud Enhancers work in soil grows???

    That rudeness was a little uncalled for. No need to act like that with someone who is trying to help.
  12. zombiegirl

    "Green Crack" bag seed. Very first Grow.

    Here is a quick shot of my lights.... And some new growth I had from topping that I took last week... Had a bit of an issue today. I was at my boyfriend's for two days and came back to them being very droopy. The soil was bone dry. I gave them a huge drink and they seem to be perking back up...
  13. zombiegirl

    "Green Crack" bag seed. Very first Grow.

    Bought 4 more 23w (100w equivalent) CFLs this morning. I had already had 3 but dropped one on the floor as I was adding the new ones. :( but with the 6 bulbs that are left I am up to over 8,000 lumens. I'm hoping that will make a difference. I'll post a photo of the new lights later.
  14. zombiegirl

    "Green Crack" bag seed. Very first Grow.

    Just a few pictures. I had to tie them back because they were getting tall already. I'm a bit concerned. There is a shelf in this cabinet that may limit my height. I plan on getting more lights tomorrow. I have been on a very limited budget.
  15. zombiegirl

    so i pull out my plants today

    The color on those are amazing! Awesome work. Can only dream mine come out looking so pretty.
  16. zombiegirl

    "Green Crack" bag seed. Very first Grow.

    Looks like I have awesome beginners luck! Two out of two look to be female. :D
  17. zombiegirl

    Very new and this is my first grow. Any chance these are female preflowers?

    Guess what guys, looks like I have awesome beginners luck! Looks like both are female! Woo!
  18. zombiegirl

    Very new and this is my first grow. Any chance these are female preflowers?

    Thank you. :) I am just so impatient. I figured it might be too early to tell. I need to go check on them today to see if it's any clearer.
  19. zombiegirl

    "Green Crack" bag seed. Very first Grow.

    Thank you, Ringsixty. I need more lights in general and should have them closer. I got a little freaked the other day when I went to a friends overnight and came back to them having grown much taller and right into the light. A few of the leaves ended up crispy. :(
  20. zombiegirl

    Very new and this is my first grow. Any chance these are female preflowers?

    I switched to a 12/12 cycle after 3 weeks. I had read about 12/12 from seed and I thought I'd try it on bag seed. I'm impatient and have a very small space so it couldn't hurt to experiment. I think I may see a slight sign of female preflowers on the larger of my two plants. Is there any...