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  1. KOA330

    Opinions please!!!

    I've been flowering for 11 weeks now and I'm ready to harvest. I know the best conditions to dry is in a dark room but i was wondering how much of an impact it would have if I dried in my tent that's still on a 12/12 light schedule with a 600w HPS? Is this really going to hurt my girl? I also...
  2. KOA330

    Please help diagnose.

    I don't see one on the chart that resembles what I have going on. But this is a great reference!!! Thanks!!!
  3. KOA330

    Please help diagnose.

    I use a nute kit and follow the recipe. I'm not sure what u mean when u say CalMag. Also this just started and up to this point she looked really healthy.
  4. KOA330

    Please help diagnose.

    Maybe not better but out of the hps light. The last one is probably the best one showing what I'm concerned about.
  5. KOA330

    Please help diagnose.

    Here's some better pics.
  6. KOA330

    Please help diagnose.

    8 weeks into flower. 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day 60at night
  7. KOA330

    Please help diagnose.

    So in the past couple days I've started seeing these spots and I'm not sure why. I haven't changed anything about the watering schedule or the amount of nutes I'm feeding them. This plant has been my healthiest and the buds on it look great. Is this something I should worry about? Thanks for any...
  8. KOA330

    Curling leaves

    I carefully tied down the main branches in order to get them further away from the light. Is this leave curling something that can be fixed? I did that a couple days ago and they look no different. I have two other plants in my tent and they're both looking good. Is there another possibility...
  9. KOA330

    Curling leaves

    Set Up: - 600w HPS cool tube - 4x4 tent - 3 gal smart pots - water every other day or when pot is light - Feed nutes after watering twice ( feed -> water -> water -> feed ) - Temps: day 75f / night between 60-70f - They've been on 12/12 cycle since 2/4 So I have three girls in my tent and the...
  10. KOA330

    What do you think?

    I had to water as much as I was. The heater fan at night dried them out quick, to the point where they were drooping after one day. I'm not sure how to battle a nitrogen overdose. I give them nutes after watering twice. Since I was watering everyday for two weeks I was giving them nutes after...
  11. KOA330

    What do you think?

    I'm not sure why. My light has stayed pretty close, within a foot or so. At this point my main heads are about the same height as the light but not directly underneath. What do you think that the stretching will ultimately mean? Will I yeild less? I'm know what supercropping is but have never...
  12. KOA330

    What do you think?

    I'm counting from when I flipped the lights. I didn't see pistols until about 2 weeks after that.
  13. KOA330

    What do you think?

    I feed them after watering them twice (water -> water -> nutes). After all the reading I've done it seems as if that's the #1 mistake beginners make, so I'm trying not to. They are curling under pretty bad. I'm thinking that it could be from over watering. I was watering every day because the...
  14. KOA330

    What do you think?

    Do you think that I would have better results if I were to continue to have the heater on continuously at night, rather then 15 min intervals every hour?
  15. KOA330

    What do you think?

    I'm not sure what you mean. You're saying if the temp doesn't fluctuate more then 15 degrees it should be fine?
  16. KOA330

    What do you think?

    My tent is light proof as far as I know. When I first got it, I went in there and sealed it up and no light was penetrating. So, what you're saying is that the fluctuating temp at night shouldn't be affecting them negatively?
  17. KOA330

    What do you think?

    I think the two that aren't a bag seed are sativa and the bag seed is an indica but I'm not 100% sure.
  18. KOA330

    What do you think?

    So my girls have been flowering for 3 1/2 weeks. The buds seem to be really small for 3 1/2 weeks in comparison to some I've seen online. One of my three plants is barely showing pistols at all. Another one is showing buds all over but very small. And the third, which is a bag seed, has just...
  19. KOA330

    Opinions please!!!

    The temp of my tent when the light's on is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When the light goes off the temp gets down to 60-61.
  20. KOA330

    Opinions please!!!

    A little more than a quart each.