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  1. volcomstar420

    FIRST PLANT! How Does She Look So Far?

    Thank you for your input, much appreciated. Not too sure what thrips is? Im a little low on cash as the moment is there a cheaper remedy to get rid of them? AND still wondering when to use the MaxiBloom..during flowering state only??
  2. volcomstar420

    First plant, how is she doing

    I've been nursing back to health a vanilla kush clone... not sure how long it was stuck in a closet before transplant. Sittin in happy frog potting soil with GH MaxiGro nutrients every other feeding. (every 4 days). Thought i had a mold problem. treated with Serenade non-toxic disease control...
  3. volcomstar420

    FIRST PLANT! How Does She Look So Far?

    [center]I've been nursing back to health a vanilla kush clone... not sure how long it was stuck in a closet before transplant. Sittin in happy frog potting soil with GH MaxiGro nutrients every other feeding. (every 4 days). Thought i had a mold problem. treated with Serenade non-toxic disease...
  4. volcomstar420

    GH MaxiGro nutrient problem!

    So I purchased a 2.2lbs bag of General Hydroponics MaxiGro nutrients for my plants...I diluted as instructed and put it in a gallon size plastic bottle. Noticing after about 2 weeks, the nutrients seem to have filmy stringy like matter floating in it?? A bit concerned... would like some feedback...
  5. volcomstar420

    Powdery Mildew, used Serenade. Any Input?

    Has neone ever used the Serenade Garden Disease Control,default,pd.html just sprayed my plant with this today and was wondering...thanks!
  6. volcomstar420

    mildew prob? Need some input! Thanks

    here is a better picture of how tall she is... this is my first plant ever (total newb). when you say 5ml per gallon, your saying i should put 5ml of the stuff in a gallon of (purified, of course) water, correct?? & how often?
  7. volcomstar420

    mildew prob? Need some input! Thanks

    so im 90% sure my plant has a slight mildew problem. i read on an older post from this forum to use Serenade Garden Disease Control doesnt seem to harsh, thought this could be a good remedy.. Has anyone else had any...
  8. volcomstar420

    Anyone Know Where To Get Some Clones In So Cal?

    anyone know where to get decent clones at in so cal? Like beaumont, bloommington, san bernardino, highland, redlands area-ish?
  9. volcomstar420

    First time high, scared as shit to do it again

    As much as I love smoking trees and believe in the power of healing, Cannabis isn't for everyone! Some people are simply (and unfortunately) allergic to it. The vomiting could definitely be a sign. And perhaps smoking it is just too overwhelming for you. If you still want to give it another go...
  10. volcomstar420

    Just A Cali Girl!

    Heeey there =] 22/f currently residing in the Inland Hempire... been medicating for about 7 yrs.. growing my first plant right now outside as a fun experiment to learn ;) When im not working or going to school, i like to go to electronica music events (AkA Raves ;P) all over So Cal with my bf...
  11. volcomstar420

    I think my baby's gonna die

    good luck to ya ;) >>super curious, could u post a recent pic? wanna see how shes doin
  12. volcomstar420

    droopy looking leaves help! annoying as his italic font and over-use of smilies are, the point still resides.... you do need a pic for us to be able to tell you what it could be..
  13. volcomstar420

    My First Real Grow Thread! Socal Style!

    FloraNova has always been good to me
  14. volcomstar420

    my very FIRST plant. How does it look so far??

    sweet thanks that helps alot ;)
  15. volcomstar420

    my very FIRST plant. How does it look so far??

    I'm understanding most of everything you guys are recommending.. and its SUUUPER appreciated. Just maybe a few more ?s.. about how long will my plant be in the veg stage? and since i got this clone from a dispensary im not even sure how old it is =(
  16. volcomstar420

    my very FIRST plant. How does it look so far??

    how do you use them? do you mix it in with the water??
  17. volcomstar420

    my very FIRST plant. How does it look so far??

    yaa ill cut back on the watering... cuz ur not the first person to say that. my bf seems to think otherwise but im convinced im over waterring it.. any suggestions for nutes??
  18. volcomstar420

    Help Unsure what is wrong

    It's because of the time-released ferts. The problems with the time-released ferts are: - It can burn the roots and over-feed young sprouts because it gives them ferts when they should not be getting any ferts at all. - You cannot control the type of fert or dosage, you get whatever comes...
  19. volcomstar420

    my very FIRST plant. How does it look so far??

    ]got a clone of vanilla kush... put it in some Fox Farm Happy Frog Soil... i water it about 2 times a day..never done this before, first plant. kind of an experiment so i can learn... any suggestions and how does it look so far? Any input helps! Thanks!