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  1. Frey2005

    Hermie or not first grow

    Im doing my first grow as well- so I could be way off on this- but it seems I have most often seen the plants that hermie with balls do so at the nodes and not typically on the flower bud itself. That is where you look for the nanners from what I have seen. But somebody may comment after me...
  2. Frey2005

    Suzy Q: High CBD strain

    I get that! This is a time consuming journey :). The high cbd strains do have a fair amount of medicinal qualities so hopefully you find a good use ;). What was the yield on the suzy Q. Curious since that is one the strains on my shortlist to try.
  3. Frey2005

    Some questions for experienced growers

    I don't know... But I could ask my cousin Vinny's wife...
  4. Frey2005

    Suzy Q: High CBD strain

    is this the same strain that has very little THC? Its a name I have come across because I am looking for seeds for strains with very little THC and lots of CBD for my sons seizure control. i'd be curious for a review after you do partake. :)
  5. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    No- it is actually just bagseed. 8 out of 8 were female... So My hypothesis is that this wasnt regular bagseed- it was from a plant that sprouted nanners at end and self pollinated. That is the only way I can figure getting 100% female unless someone has a better working theory. So at any...
  6. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    Thank you! It nice to get encouragement from people who know what they are doing :). This is why we tolerate the occasional troll I suppose.
  7. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    Lol- I'm a chick... So probably not ;). But toilets I am afraid I am very well acqauinted with- along with a houseful of men with poor aim... ;)
  8. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    Well I am first time grower- so by all means- correct me if this is wrong- but I have read in a number of places that flushing prior to harvest ensures that the nutrients in the soil get used up before you chop or it will affect the taste? Or is that an old wives tale like so many things you...
  9. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    Lol- no way man! I'd be Rollin up fan leaves by then! :)
  10. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    Thank you :) I only wish I had an idea as to the strain ;). I'm planning on just plain water from here on. Anything thing else crucial for the last stage of flowering I may be missing?
  11. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    Okey doke... Here are a couple bigger shots I took before I had to tuck them in tonight.
  12. Frey2005

    First time grow. Any feedback or comments would be appreciated.

    They look nice! How far along are they?
  13. Frey2005


    Starting to see more cloudy now... These were taken tonight before "lights out" ;)
  14. Frey2005

    Input on these trichomes please :)

    I think I am seeing cloudy- but I want some validation. What do you guys think? Sorry about some of the pics- had to make do with my iPhone and a jeweler loupe. ;)
  15. Frey2005

    How close do these ladies look?

    need some opinions on these ladies... They are bagseed grown indoor with cfls. They appear more sativa than indica- so I was thinking they would have a longer flowering period. We just started week 8 of flower about 10 weeks since the switch to 12/12. This is my first grow, so I would...
  16. Frey2005


    Great- well I appreciate the insights. I will halve the nutes next feed and will not use any clones from ol' foxy here... ;)
  17. Frey2005


    Ok- so aside from the closeness to light issue this girl has had in a couple of leaves here- the more pressing question is why is this plant of 8 from seed the only one doing this foxtail thing? The only difference is the proximity to the exhale Co2 bag I have hung in the back of the cabinet at...
  18. Frey2005

    Question about colas

    Yikes! 250 is up there, but that is also how much I would be paying per month, per kid... So i guess if I ended up finding some suitable seeds for 250 it would still be a damn good investment ;) Yeah- thats why my maiden voyage into "farming" was with some serendipidously found seeds. Thanks...
  19. Frey2005

    Question about colas

    Oh! That grid is actually printed on that side of the paper and the plants are inside a closed wooden cabinet that I have used those rubber edges you use with door seals to try and make sure I dont get any errant glimmers inside ;). Shew! But you have a good eye for detail! ;).
  20. Frey2005

    Question about colas

    All I could think of when i read "lookin good for cfls" was "pretty fly for a white guy" Lol. ;). Yeah I have been kinda pleasantly shocked by how these ladies have cooperated and kept grown like... Well- weeds.... Esp since I have no background here at all- just a motivation to grow my own...