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  1. Oldgrowth


    Love the mcgiver like method! I've cloned a lot of different ways from straight into soil to useing a vemiculite bed and just pulling them out and tranplanting when rooted. But now I just use a diy cloner, plain tap water ph'ed to 5.8 and thats it! No humidity tent, no misting no nouthin just...
  2. Oldgrowth

    Cloning From Tops vs Bottom Branches

    I take cuttings from branches that are at least 8" long. I cut these down to 3-5" as I believe the branches next to stem are much harder and cutting the softer tips for cuttings just plain root faster. I have rooted tops and they will grow quite vigerously but can be a bit harder to root...that...
  3. Oldgrowth

    Advanced Flushing Techniques

    I get my flushing info from someone who has been leagly comercially growing for more that 15 years...Everything he does is lab tested on every grow. He told me 9 days in the min flush according to his lab test and residues in the plant tissues. That being said when I'm growing in soil I use...
  4. Oldgrowth

    What's the quickest way to sex from seed? Trying to get clones ready for outdoor

    Best way to sex early is to take a cutting put it in a glass of water and put it in 12/12. change water every couple of days. you should see sex in 2 weeks or so.
  5. Oldgrowth

    13/17 light schedule ... BLUE DREAM

    For what its worth I've just finished 2nd run at 13 on and 11 off. 20% more yield, 2 1/2 weeks longer to finish......not worth the trade off of yield to time!
  6. Oldgrowth

    what wrong-pics

    heat stress. to close to lights. do you have fan blowing air across plant canopy?
  7. Oldgrowth

    LST with Aerogarden

    Why not a pvc frame with legs and use nylon string to make a "net" back and forth on frame?
  8. Oldgrowth

    Please help

    water should run out at every watering. this is why it is so important to have a soil mix that drains very well. I use sunshine #4 with 30% perlite added to it. I find this will even drain well after three months. I like to flush every three weeks, ie 2 x pot size clear water run through...
  9. Oldgrowth

    Sap Is Oozing From My Buds On Day Of Harvest?

    PM is a mold...........
  10. Oldgrowth

    Not sure if this belongs here or somewhere else..but have a question..

    I just keep mine sealed in the thick seal a meal plastic. It stays fresh for months. The stash im smokin out of i just fold the seal a meal up a few times fold it over on it self and use a pair of hemostats to clamp it shut. Works great! You know why they call them roach clips? Cos Pot Holder...
  11. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Nice to see you back Stink! Missed your presence and hope you'll be round a bit more. A personal Thank You for sharing all the love.
  12. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Yes but he is just running 4 flowering units. Stink Buds unit will do the same if you have 4 of them!
  13. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Midwestfunkmaster, That is the timer I use for my co2 distrubution. It will only run 8 cycles a day! Wont work for areo timer! Here is a link to the timer Im using. $27,99! I use one for each pump and at this price i keep a spare but so far they work perfectly. Adjustable has 50 sec intevals so...
  14. Oldgrowth

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    What do you see?
  15. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Im using the 18 gal rubbermaid resivors. I,ve looked but cant find how many gallons to fill res. I put 15 gallons in it and it bulges out and cant keep lid on. How many gallons are you running in them?
  16. Oldgrowth

    How do you make honey oil?

    ok this is how i did it many moons ago. take ground dry weed and soak it in petrolem ether (a very selective solvent, (unlike alchole witch removes clorifile and surgars ect.) I soaked for two hours and filtered the solvent and washed weed again with fresh solvent.i washed weed again and filter...
  17. Oldgrowth

    Does the 8/8/8 flower schedule work?

    oh me thinks you got it backwards my friend. the hormone that resricts flowering is produced in the daytime and the flowering hormones only take over when the day lenth is short enough to reduce this flowering resrticting hormone levals to allow flowering hormones to do their work
  18. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Havent seen you for a while SB. I know your discusted and i dont blame you! But there are a lot of us that apreciate what you have given so much! I tried to buy your dvd and donate but it said your paypal account was closed. Once again a big THANK YOU for giving so freely. I came on this thread...
  19. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Hey SB. Don't give up there are lots of us out here who really apreciate what you have done for us! Don't let one bad apple spoil this for everyone! Your heart is in the right place man! Thanks again!
  20. Oldgrowth

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    i found growcolt timer on ebay for 28.00! just do a search for recycle timer.