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  1. evilpyro26

    Blue Mountain Organics UPDATE

    BMO products rock!! I've been using their line of products for over a year now, and have had some great results. I clone using the SPT as a dip and I always have a 100% success rate. My ladies always have a giant root mass and produce nice, tasty, organic buds. Thanks to Ohsogreen for calling...
  2. evilpyro26

    please check my math or just tell me to give up!!!

    You have a 54ft^3 tent that will have a 170 cfm turbine, so your tent will have the air exchanged every 19 seconds. This is really good since the rule of thumb is to exchange the air at least once per minute. The carbon filter and fan you have linked are good products. A buddy of mine who also...
  3. evilpyro26

    4 weeks flowering

    Everything looks good! The plants' leaves look like they are healthy and green, and the buds look like they are going to be big and fat in another month or so. One note though, you might want to check your watering schedule. The plant in the back left looks over-watered, while the others look...
  4. evilpyro26

    6 questions for my first time grow

    1. Is 24hour fluorescent lighting okay or should i go 18? Ask different people and you will get a different answer each time. I personally prefer to go with a 18/6 cycle for veg. I know that plants grow in the dark cycle, so I like to give them a little night. Also, you will save money on...
  5. evilpyro26

    diatomaceous earth? effective?

    Just spread enough to cover the top of the soil completely. Probably use a 0.25" layer.
  6. evilpyro26

    diatomaceous earth? effective?

    I've used diatomaceous earth before to get rid of whiteflies and fungus gnats, and it worked like a charm. I'm not sure if thrips ever have contact with the soil so diatomaceous earth may not work for thrips. The thrips actually have to come in contact with the diatomaceous earth for it to have...
  7. evilpyro26

    Nirvana Bubblicious

    Here are some pics...
  8. evilpyro26

    Nirvana Bubblicious

    I recently harvested my crop of Bubblicious from Nirvana and I think it's the bee's knees! The strain review is as follows (Using Mared's Chart): Strain: Nirvana Bubblicious Growth: Bushy and Tall (I left it in veg for almost 3 months) Grow Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forest/Light Warrior (50/50...
  9. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    Thanks, I went and picked it up today. I'll apply it tomorrow and see how it works.
  10. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    Butthead, how do you apply the Fox Farm Peace of Mind (All Purpose)? Do you mix it with water or do you sprinkle it on the soil? Thanks for your help.
  11. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    I went to the local hydro store, and was unable to find the biobizz. Is there another organic nutrient that anyone can recommend?
  12. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    What's the NPK of the Biobizz?
  13. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    Can you recommend a good organic nutrient blend that I can buy? I want something that is good for flowering.
  14. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    The NPK on the Big Bloom is 0.01-0.3-0.7 FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
  15. evilpyro26

    First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached

    Hello, I've been looking through this forum for some time now. I've learned quite a bit from searching others posts. I'm finally making a post because I have some questions. First, I'll tell you about my setup. I am growing 4 clones (strain unknown) in 2 Earthboxes. The soil is Fox Farm's...