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  1. T

    Hows she looking?

    Also new to this forum stuff aswell so my bad.
  2. T

    Hows she looking?

    Can I delete it? Wasn't sure how it posts and thought people were sick of the arguments on the other thread.
  3. T

    Hows she looking?

    So i believe i know what was meant by buds swelling. My first plant is getting close. Crop king seeds cement shoes. How does she look?
  4. T

    64 Days in flower

    I think I'm see what you all mean by swelling. Almost looks like new growth in spots. Will the whole bud swell or just some areas?
  5. T

    64 Days in flower

    I also looked at pics on Google of ripe cement shoes and I'll say for my first go not to shabby
  6. T

    64 Days in flower

    Sorry typo meant gets near the bud
  7. T

    64 Days in flower

    Well going to go with my gut I guess. The cement shoes probably should come down soon. In my years of buying good bud I was always disappointed when I seen brown sugar leaves in a bud and it did change the taste for me anyway. I think maybe give her till the yellow bears the bud. Maybe 3-4 days
  8. T

    64 Days in flower

    They really started to yellow off and some the tips crispy on the sugar leaves
  9. T

    64 Days in flower

    Should I keep feeding or just water?
  10. T

    64 Days in flower

    Also to mention the white northern lights was supposed to have a shorter flowering time
  11. T

    64 Days in flower

    Pics are only Pics are of only 2 plants. I have some failed ones in the tent. Poor genetics I guess. I'm learning. The 2nd pic is white northern lights. The other cement shoes. The pic of 2 buds next to each other is one of each.
  12. T

    64 Days in flower

    Thats all I'm doing brother! Why I asked in here! To educate myself! Sadly I was educated on how fuckers cant get along haha! But thank you!
  13. T

    64 Days in flower

    Thanks. I'm just referring to seeing this on the sugar leaves. I'm actually really happy with this first grow
  14. T

    64 Days in flower

    I just see sugar leaves turning a bit yellow. It maybe just me but I don't want dry/brown sugar leaves in my buds. But being patient!
  15. T

    64 Days in flower

    ok I feel like my post was swept under the rug lol. Here they are today. 71 days
  16. T

    64 Days in flower

    Starting to see some slight curling
  17. T

    64 Days in flower

    So was this at harvest time? Mine look simalar on the cement shoes except the fan leaves colors. Last thing I want is sugar leaves browning and dying off. I've smoked that type from dispensaries and so on. Not my thing.
  18. T

    64 Days in flower

    Thanks. Always looking for some good genetics. I've only ordered from 3 companies being new. 1 sucked the other 2 are the ones in my pics.
  19. T

    64 Days in flower

    Where did you order from? I looked on Ethos website and says cash or money order
  20. T

    64 Days in flower

    Tried to get some better pics tonight.