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  1. Cascadian

    Is this male?

    Pic 1 definitely looks like a pollen sac. Pic 2 is blurry, but my guess is male.
  2. Cascadian

    1st Grow - Custom Room: Pineapple Chunk, Spc. Kush, Ice, G13, Hollands Hope

    I have heard people mention "green cure" several times for PM. Here is a thread about it. Neem can work but only as a preventative. I also have an natural/organic product called "3-way"...
  3. Cascadian

    cutting problems

    Wouldn't let me edit. I'm done here barring something relevant to the OP in the thread. +rep for hijacking it John, and good luck on your grow man!
  4. Cascadian

    cutting problems

    First of all a simple one liner, 2 weeks after the thread was posted is just rude. You say the info is incorrect with nothing to back it up, still have heard nothing. Maybe you missed the fact the statement was on theory behind cloning and not a step by step. The OP already had his plants in...
  5. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Advice from first hand experience is the best kind. I tried to get help on the last grow with them and it was much more difficult to get someone with experience to help. It's more valuable than you realize bro, thank you. Good point on the first application having a bigger impact. In the veg...
  6. Cascadian

    cutting problems

    Ok, so we take clones then put in 63 degree room, no misting, and whatever other b.s. was on that commercial you posted and expect good results. My guess is that commercial wasn't even done with MJ. But thanks for the follow up additional product plugs, I will go right out and buy them all...
  7. Cascadian

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    Can't remember who it was, but recently someone said they had it on "good authority" that the likes were coming back next week? Of course we have heard similar things before... It was a great way to mark a post you "liked" or just wanted to track for future reference. With rep you can only...
  8. Cascadian

    Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

    From what I have read about 6" above the plant will be fine for your light. I would definitely use the light to extend the light schedule to 16-18 hrs of light until the plant is bigger. That plant will not need much water for a while, don't water until the pot feels noticeably light and then...
  9. Cascadian

    Why have this plant decided to be droopy-doopy?

    This would be my guess as well, I have had it happen. Sometimes there is just a dense clump of soil/medium that holds too much water. Don't water that one as much and I bet it will come back quickly for you.
  10. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah man, having Joe help out is much appreciated for sure! I am surprised how well the JillyBean is doing. I think the key is to defoliate in veg first to get her used to the "derobing" in flower... Curious what she ends up yielding and hoping she doesn't grow big balls... lol
  11. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah, the JillyBean seems very happy and at least so far seems to be forming better buds deep in the middle of the plant than it did before. Also doing better than the Jack Herer is, below the canopy level anyway. Really helps with the airflow as well. The thing that is harder to judge is how...
  12. Cascadian

    Ne seedlings failing quick

    I've read about many people having problems with seedlings in coco, I believe it is slightly too acidic. My recommendation would be to start them in a very small pot with seed starting mix until they are established and healthy then transplant into the medium you described. I don't have direct...
  13. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    I took the opportunity to take some pics without the HPS. A couple of the defoliated Jilly Bean experiment. Seems to be filling out quickly. The Remedy Dunking Setup Sickly Amnesia Auto not even flowering yet. Bleached and cleaned tent and back in they go...
  14. Cascadian

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Right on! Nice work, and congratulations Sunni.
  15. Cascadian

    TGA and Sensi hempy's...

    I wasn't the best about taking pics without the HPS on so this won't help much on the coloring but gives an idea on the bud structure etc. Basically it had some purpling in some of the veins on about half of the fan leaves, some stayed green. The purple "bag appeal" is definitely there.
  16. Cascadian

    TGA and Sensi hempy's...

    Looking forward to the pics. It was a thread I found with a google search over on grasscity, he just talked about it. Didn't post any pics. I will post a couple pics of mine. It was the buds that were more purple than the plant, but it did purple up a bit toward the end of flower. I will see...
  17. Cascadian

    1st Grow - Custom Room: Pineapple Chunk, Spc. Kush, Ice, G13, Hollands Hope

    Nice looking buds man, well done! That pineapple chunk sounds awsome...
  18. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Thanks Joe, I did pick up some Tanglefoot and applied it to the base of the stalk on the larger plants before the dunk. As time allows I will be putting around the base of all plants in flower. Hoping that when the eggs on the upper part of the plant hatch the little nymphs will crawl down and...
  19. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Yeah, I gave it a shot. I think I might have wasted my time with the SNS203 maybe the 209 would have been better. I'm not sure if it was the soap, rosemary oil, or pyrethrin that slowed them down last time... I am hoping it was the soap or rosemary. Feeling pretty defeated, I just did a lot...