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  1. Cascadian

    Proper purple strains?

    Ill add grand daddy purple, purple kush, and purple diesel. And I agree only some plants will turn purple, they need to have that genetic trait.
  2. Cascadian

    is this plant herming?

    From what I can tell it is not a hermie, a pollen sac will usually be raised away from the stem on a very thin mini stalk, especially when they are that size. if you can take a better pic post it...
  3. Cascadian

    What is it?

    That is a hermie, not worth your time. Chop it.
  4. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    So, the results are in for the flower tent... 3 strips of duct tape had a count of about 130 root aphids, with 5 of those being winged devil aphids. There was also only one fungus gnat, I got a good shot of it to show the difference. Fungus Gnat: Root Aphid: I also saw something really...
  5. Cascadian

    Nizza's 3x 15 gallon feminized big bud vision seed grow

    I agree that any lime in the packaged soil isn't enough. I always add 1 TBS per gallon to the soil mix. MadFarmer silica is what I add every 4th watering so not familiar with Protekt but from memory I think it is a silica additive? (ignore me if I am wrong). The silica additive tends to drop...
  6. Cascadian

    would you ignore hair colour completely?

    What's the strain, lighting, medium, and days since you flipped to 12/12? That would help to give you some guidance.
  7. Cascadian

    The Worlds Most Hyped and Overrated Things....

    People who claim blue dream is overrated... Kidding, why are people saying this?... just curious. I just bought a BlueDream clone that is supposed to be a great yielder and an 8 week strain. They did say it was susceptible to spider mites though. Just had to ask... Ok, back on topic...
  8. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Great news on not finding those bastards, and great idea to try to possibly get a sample... I looked on ebay to see if anyone was selling it in small 1 oz quantities but no luck. That is how I bought my Floramite and I am convinced it is why I have not seen a mite or any mite damage in a long...
  9. Cascadian

    My Setup, Need some Advice

    Just a though here but maybe get a reostat/steady state speed controller for the fan/fans, that way you can adjust down how much air is being pulled when it is warmer and adjust up the air when it is colder (assuming you are in a warm climate). Might be the opposite if you are in a cold...
  10. Cascadian

    purp kush autoflower's falling over

    How is the air movement? If they don't have a good breeze on them from the beginning they will develop weaker stalks. I have grown the non-auto purple kush and it did tend to have thinner stems prone to bending over. So, could also be a genetic issue? I would just stake them up but leave...
  11. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    One of the Anmesias is a slow growing runt that looks sickly. It popped at the same time, same pot size, nutes, soil, etc. If I run out of space as they grow I will probably pull it. Here it is next to the healthy amnesia auto HH for feminized pollen making progress. Starting some...
  12. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    The amnesia auto I am using colloidal silver on for feminized pollen.
  13. Cascadian

    Cascadian's Continuing Grow Journal 600 Watt 5X5

    Thanks Canna, $100 a quart is freaking crazy! I am really trying to use what I have on hand plus a small budget till this grow is done. Summertime will be eradication time. Thought I would update the Sleestack X Skunk mainline plant. I really just did this to experiment and see if it was...
  14. Cascadian

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    I have grown shrooms several times. My first setup used a humidifier, it was tricky to get right and only produced a good crop once. I eventually settled on the "perlite method". Temps are best in the mid 70's to initiate fruiting and humidity should be as high as possible or around 90%...
  15. Cascadian

    The Worlds Most Hyped and Overrated Things....

    75% of the nutrient supplements you see at the hydro store.
  16. Cascadian

    Subcool Supersoil question.

    I agree, those numbers dont sound right I would recheck the label. If the numbers you stated are right I would return them and get something closer to the recipe. I am sure you could get away with using them, but not worth it IMO.
  17. Cascadian

    TGA and Sensi hempy's...

    I use a spare closet for the males with about 60 true watts of cfls. It won't effect quality but it will slow them down a bit especially if it will be a lot colder. I usually leave them in the flower room as long as I can then transfer. I would say yours look ready to transfer asap. I dont...
  18. Cascadian

    TGA and Sensi hempy's...

    If you have the males in the same room and pollen sacs start to pop you will have a fully seeded crop quick. Usually, the seeds will look different with different crosses but not always so you might be able to get away with spreading pollen on certain branches and then sorting the majority that...
  19. Cascadian

    Dinafem strains are great!

    I am growing 3 amnesia autos, 1 haze 2 auto, and one ctitical plus 2 auto. I have never grown autos before. One of the amnesia autos is very sickly and slow growing almost looks like it has a deficiency but doesn't. The critical plus 2 is stretching like crazy and is supposed to be a...