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  1. S

    first true leaves

    One of my autos jus popped her head above ground a couple days ago her true leaves are tiny still smaller than the Cotyledons but now the tips are starting to yellow and they're pointed upward I'm not use if my light burned them because I did do the hand test before I will try and get a pic up...
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    t5 cab grow poblems.....

    Ok thanks authentic much appreciated hopefully these girls sprout soon
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    t5 cab grow poblems.....

    Can anyone tell me if I should keep the light on or off while waiting for them to sprout I've had people say off some say on ???
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    t5 cab grow poblems.....

    Yea I've jus been misting the coco with water whenever it feels dry thanks man
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    Grand AK Clone: Very first grow! No idea what im doing(sorta) [Rubbermaid Grow]

    You definitely want to have the lights as close to the plant as possible with cfls
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    t5 cab grow poblems.....

    I currently have 2 autos germinating directly in coco (75/25 coco perlite) under a t5 how moist should I keep the coco for the seeds to germ properly ? I am new to this so any tips would help .........:wall:
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    cab grow lighting

    So I'd be better off with a 150w hps light I'm just concerned about heat inside the box
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    cab grow lighting

    Or how about a 150w hps I know the hid lights run hot but would a 150 w be too much
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    cab grow lighting

    I got cab about 4' tall 2' wide I'm gonna have 2 plants using a diy dwc system I was thinking of using like 12 42w cfl bulbs 6 6500k 6 2700k. But I was thinking of getting a small t5 and just a couple cfls which one would be best considering heat and also best for the plant? Any suggestions are...
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    first time grower

    What's too advanced about it all the reading I've done says dwc is fairly simple as long as u devote enough time each week for res changes and all that other shit what do u suggest I use instead should i Switch to soil or the risk of sounding like a noob but wouldn't those 2...
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    first time grower

    I need advice from experienced growers. I'm gonna be running 2 DWC 5 gallon buckets inside a 36"x20"x60" grow tent. I was thinking of using a 2ft 2 lamp 110 watt t5 and also a couple cfls with clamp light reflectors for side lighting. Would this be a good way to go? Any tips would be greatly...