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  1. Alpha492


    Water reservoir and bubbler should do the trick. There's complicated chemical reason behind it but here's the situation in a nutshell. What's in your water is Hydrogen Sulfide(H2S), I could be wrong since this was found by just googling "sulfur molecules in well water". Hydrogen Sulfide at...
  2. Alpha492

    live lady bugs dying WTF

    You used spray then let the lady bugs loose? Lady bugs are a hell of a lot more sensitive to pesticides then spider mites.
  3. Alpha492

    Help!!! Strains have induced flowering under 24hrs light and are not autoflower

    I recently induced flowering by switching from a 600w to a 400w for veg, so it doesn't take much. I'm pretty confident though that under the right light schedule they won't complete their flower cycle. It does make cloning problematic though. Anyway, don't worry about it. Plants show sex for...
  4. Alpha492

    Rant: "I'll beat any advertised price!" Says the hydrodouche

    I used to use amazon all the time. Their pretty good, but not the best. Check out the best deals thread, usually you can find equipment about 10-20% cheaper than even amazon if you look hard enough.
  5. Alpha492

    Rant: "I'll beat any advertised price!" Says the hydrodouche

    Anyone seen this repeating theme? Seller's trying to sucker you into buying things from their store without looking up competitors prices. I have one grow store within 40 miles of my house, and every time I go to it a guy I have fondly come to know as the "hydrodouche" is working the counter...
  6. Alpha492

    Advice on lighting

    Solid advice, I appreciate it. I'm actually finding that 600w gets them waaaay to big in veg. Its a strange complaint a know, but I'd rather do a bunch of little guys then a few big guys. I'm really running out of space under my 600w and buying another light to fit the plants isn't going to...
  7. Alpha492

    I quit growing. This is my last post and my story.

    lol, think, when your boy is all grown up it may even be legal! See you on the other side!
  8. Alpha492

    Advice on lighting

    I'm looking to switch from HIDs to LEDs or fluorescents, but I'd like to hear from growers with experience with the different lighting systems. I've been using HIDs for about 2 yrs now. The results are fantastic but the power bill is cost prohibitive. I've looked into LEDs but I've heard more...
  9. Alpha492

    Hydro Grow LED- BUYER BEWARE!

    Yeah if hoss is right thats pretty good advise. The word is out, and I've been searching for somewhere to buy LEDS. You can guarentee its not going to be from this guy/girl. I'll definitely make sure to bring this company up as someone NOT to buy from next time I see a forum asking about LEDs.
  10. Alpha492

    Hydro Grow LED- BUYER BEWARE!

    Yuck, I hear LED Wholesalers is another one to stay away from!
  11. Alpha492

    New Plant Dying?

    The first pic looks like its not getting enough air to the roots. Whats your air stone situation like?
  12. Alpha492

    holes in leaves

    Yeah I eat them, then after their digested a little bit I go down stairs a puke a little bit up on each lady bug. At first they will just woddle around in the puke, but eventually they start eating. Really though just spray the raisons with water and they'll hope on that shit when they get...
  13. Alpha492

    holes in leaves

    They'll eat vegetation when their hungry enough, but they prefer other bugs by far. I feed mine raisins so they'll stay in the garden.
  14. Alpha492

    Slight discoloration of Leaves and slight curls. Help please

    lol me and massah are going to give you very different answers because we are from two very different schools of though. Which you follow is up to you. I'm guessing massah is the kind of grower he prefer very good soil balance, and very little liquid nute additives. I'm the opposite; I use...
  15. Alpha492

    Claw Leaves

    I use 50% coco soil mix, and barely have to water every 2 days with heavy air flow, and under a 600w. So I'm not sure what your soil mix is like, but that does seem like a lot of watering. Especially if you are watering in the correct measure when you do water. Without a picture I can really...
  16. Alpha492

    Slight discoloration of Leaves and slight curls. Help please

    Depends a lot on your soil too. I use soil with a very very low nute concentration to begin with, then mix it with about 50% coco. So I have to feed consistently, and in low concentrations. If your soil retains nutes better you may want to choose a different route. What kind of soil do you...
  17. Alpha492

    Slight discoloration of Leaves and slight curls. Help please

    1.5 ft away from a 400w HPS? Woah thats definitely part of your problem. I use calmag in between feedings, just because the deficiencies are so common. Just use a very low concentration with your next watering (1/3 would probably be best). Then use full concentration with your feed. If I...
  18. Alpha492

    Bottom Leafs Turn Yellow Slowly, WHY?!

    I use botanicare in addition to a couple of different additives, and have been very happy. The results aren't miraculous, but I've found through experience any nutes that claim to be are often the worst.
  19. Alpha492

    Slight discoloration of Leaves and slight curls. Help please

    Magnesium deficiency. Looks like you have a tiny bit of light bleaching too how close do you keep your plants to the light?
  20. Alpha492

    Anyone know of any sealants strong enough to build a wooden flood table with?

    I'm doing a DIY flood and drain system out of wood. The problem is I need some kind of liquid rubber waterproofing. Blue max is good but its $200 minimum which defeats the purpose of DIY. Anyone have any suggestions for a good sealant?