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  1. Alpha492

    Problem with early plant

    humidity/heat/light all result in elongated seedlings. Not opening sounds like a watering issue (overwatering). If your using cfl's put them within a couple of inches of the light, get a fan blowing on them, and stop watering. Unfortunately seedlings are finicky, its likely they won't make it.
  2. Alpha492

    Advice on a low maintenance hydro set up.

    Thanks bud, good to see someone else from michigan on here. You really think the legit table and res are the way to go? I checked out my local store and they seem pretty pricey, then again I was just looking at the setup+stand so the price may have been coming from the stand. I saw a...
  3. Alpha492

    How much mL or oz of soap should I mix w/ water?

    Usually soap isn't used just by itself, its normally a wetting agent for neem oil. Wetting agent means it makes it soluble into a water solution. I usually use 2 tsp per gallon of liquid dish soap (non antibacterial is important).
  4. Alpha492

    Advice on a low maintenance hydro set up.

    I've been thinking about doing some kind of hydro for awhile. For awhile know I've done coco+soil with about a 50/50 mix, results have been great but I'd like to give some kind of hydro a shot. The problem is I work a lot, monday and thursday tend to be the gauntlet for new plants as I have 13...
  5. Alpha492

    Enough room for lighting?

    You could run 20 cfl's and they wouldn't generate the heat an HPS does. Also you have a variety of different options with HPS, look up "Cool Tubes". You definitely have the space but the heat an HPS will generate may make using one cost prohibitive since you will likely need an inline blower...
  6. Alpha492

    Heeellppp!!!! Pleease asap drooping leaves help before its too late

    Also about your sons plant. Tell him to as quickly as possible grab his plant, pick it up, dig a hole in your back yard, poor gasoline onto it, then light it on fire. Then he should immediately find a book (preferably educational) and read it. Shortly after this you should see some improvement.
  7. Alpha492

    Heeellppp!!!! Pleease asap drooping leaves help before its too late

    You can't be fucking serious... No annoying child/irresponsible mother, you will find no help here
  8. Alpha492

    Quick PH Question PH 5.3 - 5.6 on run off.

    What do you grow in?
  9. Alpha492

    the competition?!

    A smoke down.
  10. Alpha492

    Police helicopter infrared camera ?

    Look, everyone is going to comment right after me that LED's and Fluorescents are shit for veg, and flower, but when your stuck with a grow that has to be stealth they are awesome. Low energy consumption, very small heat signature, and they get the job done. Maybe not as great as HPS or MH...
  11. Alpha492

    Tiny white spots/Bumpy leaves?

    It might not be mites, but it is definitely some kind of pest.
  12. Alpha492

    Can she be saved

    If your concerned about yield, putting it back into veg for a bit may definitely be worthwhile. It will recover, but if its flowering it will do a half ass recovery and you won't get shit for a harvest. Send it back to veg and you'll be golden!
  13. Alpha492

    need immediate help

    FYI MG soil is tolerable for adult plants, but look at their ingredients next time you have a chance. Most of there products have between a 30-60% nitrogen content. Worse yet most of that nitrogen is extracted from urine.
  14. Alpha492

    need immediate help

    uhg that dirt is shit. Seriously you can make yourself some decent soil on a budget. Dig up some dirt from your yard, stick it in a bucket with some holes in the bottom, drench the dirt with your house for about 10 minutes. Let it dry for a couple of days, then stick it in the oven at about...
  15. Alpha492

    Please Diagnose These Seedlings

    overwatering fo sho! Fan and holes in your cups stat!
  16. Alpha492

    Help with edges curling up, leaves curling down & inward, yellowing edges

    No offense of course, I know what its like to love your plants too much :P
  17. Alpha492

    Help with edges curling up, leaves curling down & inward, yellowing edges

    I do coca so its hard for me to say >exactly< what do do with hydro, but I botanicare calmag. Its synthetic so it can be left in the reservoir without a high risk of algae. I usually add a dose about once every 2-3 weeks since calmag issues show up often, and are very common. I wouldn't...
  18. Alpha492

    Ok... Tell me what ya think!

    Its definitely Nitrogen. If your using nutes as directed this is very natural and usually left unaddressed during late flower. Nitrogen will slow flowering a bit and leave a bad taste in buds so in most flower specific nutes its concentration is very low.
  19. Alpha492

    Help with edges curling up, leaves curling down & inward, yellowing edges

    Ph around 6.0 like MGG suggested will help with Calmag absorption, and rule out simple pH issues. I'd still grab some Calmag nutes and start using as directed.
  20. Alpha492

    clones are dying. stems are soggy/ turning to mush

    temps around 80 are good for soil/rockwool/peat pucks, waaaay too warm for aero. What your doing is turning your clones into broccoli.