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  1. sputniknz

    What is a Perfect Temp. Range and Humidity Level for My Plants?

    I just seen something brilliant... put damp towels in there. The heat from the bulb will dry out the towels and you dont have to use the dryer. Plus when you get out of shower and dry of you an smell the grow in your towel mmmmmmm. And then when you finished with towel you have a reason to go...
  2. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Gonna have to get a bag tommorow and blaze up with the girls. Cant wait.
  3. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Ok, lights just went out. Full day under the HPS, expecting to see some movement tommorow (will post pics). #1 has not grown much in the last 3 days, but it was the stretcher and is probably still in shock from the burial - hope to see some change in the morning. #2 is looking great, strong...
  4. sputniknz

    My Girl's new home (pics)

    looks nice dude... more light maybe?
  5. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Cool, i really wanted it to work in water more than soil bc i know the water in my area fluctuates. And i dont know that it can tell me the ppm, can you explain how it could be used to tell the ppm?
  6. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    Please can you tell me what post on the 2/2/11 you are reffering to?? im not very good at searching.
  7. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    can anyone advise me one the tester, and can i use it to take ph readings from the soil AND water or just soil OR water. I just tested the ph on my tap water and reading is 7.
  8. sputniknz

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    r u going to train them at all... i was thinking lst, dont want to top them coz i think its pointless on auto's, what do you think?
  9. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    Silly sparky... its only and inconvenient truth if you don't believe it. Silly, silly sparky4u.
  10. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Okay so here is todays pic. Also could someone tell me if the ph/moisture/light meter thingy pictured is of any use to me and what i should aim for.
  11. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    looking good today here they both are...
  12. sputniknz

    Variety Grow - Perpetual, "Mini" ScrOG's, DWC in a Cabinet (First Timer)

    i think the towel idea is great :p
  13. sputniknz

    Police just got owned.

    yeah no offence but even in n.z. the police can search on suspicion.
  14. sputniknz

    2nd Grow, Lowryder, Cabinent, Multiple Style Lights

    Hi James, Im in my 1st week with Lowryder #1 Auto's, that is they broke ground 1 week ago. Here's a pic of my girls. I have no nutrients yet. Germed in a cup on top of water heater. 1 small cfl bulb over them, was too small so i had stretching. Didnt have bigger bulb so they went straight...
  15. sputniknz

    Colas so big breaking stems in 6th week Blue Dream

    ha ha ha @ donate.... thats funny
  16. sputniknz

    What is a Perfect Temp. Range and Humidity Level for My Plants?

    I dont know much about controlling humidity as i dont have to where i am. Sorry. But i think you are ok.
  17. sputniknz

    What is a Perfect Temp. Range and Humidity Level for My Plants?

    I stopped using the covers as soon as the second set of leaves settled. Once again, i dont know if the covers helped, but i think they did. And yeah dude i know exactly what you mean about nerve's. FYI: If you are only using CFL bulbs you shouldn't have to use the covers, but they might help...
  18. sputniknz

    What is a Perfect Temp. Range and Humidity Level for My Plants?

    I have a 600w HPS about 16 inches from my plants, i didnt get any burn from the lights. The brown tips where there from when they were under cfl bulbs, no closer than 6 inches. It wasn't the heat from lights that gave you those brown tips its the nutrients in the soil mix. But dont worry about...
  19. sputniknz

    What is a Perfect Temp. Range and Humidity Level for My Plants?

    Im not using nutrients either, my soil mix is Castings/PottingMix/Perlite 30/40/30. So i guess its the nutrients already in the soil that does it.
  20. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    Michael Moore - Sicko / Remember when he took that lady into canada to get basic treatment she couldnt get in detroit. Fuckin blew me away that did. And the thing with all the front doors in detroit being locked (by fear as moore said) and all the doors on canadian side of the river being open...