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  1. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    I like that jeff, nice one.
  2. sputniknz

    Colas so big breaking stems in 6th week Blue Dream

    Pic's, show some pics of these behemoth colas breakin your shit...
  3. sputniknz

    What is a Perfect Temp. Range and Humidity Level for My Plants?

    Hi there, I am newbie grower and had this happen to mee see pic. I was worried when i first saw this. I was advised on RIU that it was nothing to worry about, just a little nutrient burn that is quite common for seedlings. Mine are a week old now and that little brown tip is still there, but...
  4. sputniknz

    This might sound stupid.

    hey thanx guys... much appreciated
  5. sputniknz

    This might sound stupid.

    Ok, lights. Some have the right spectrum some dont. Some are best some are good some are just plain bad. Why? oh... they dont emit the right wavelength. Or, too much blue not enough red. Or too much red not enough blue etc. Well, If i had a cfl bulb which is good for blue and no hps, and...
  6. sputniknz

    600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run

    Awesome buds dude. Subbed for the harvest.
  7. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    Who is "he"? And what truth?
  8. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    Yeah... with your insurance, which you pay for, handsomly. Duh! I don't pay for insurance. And no it was'n't anything special "freind", but i didn't get ass raped for it. Please have a look at the following averages for MRI's in some of your states. And note it is an "average". And if you had...
  9. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Ok, i will raise it a foot.
  10. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    Purplehazin- about 9 inches At first the short one was stretching hard, got 4 inches in height, so i buried it up to its neck and this is where its at now. The taller of the 2 was quite small compared to the other, but now it is looking much stronger than #1. At lights our i spray em with...
  11. sputniknz

    How are my little ones...?

    The shorter one (#1) WAS bigger than the other by far, it slowed down and the other one has taken over. Am noticing the very tips have a brown tinge. Do they look ok? Lowryder Auto's In: Soil: Potting Mix/Castings, Perlite - 40/30/30 Under: 600w HPS 1 week old.
  12. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    ^^bump... Scooby, did you get them?
  13. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    LOL, ok, maybe my point escapes... magic - no, it comes out of the 14k i paid in tax of which 200 i paid in ACC annual fees. Please Rob, and anyone else reading this from America. Have a peak at the site WWW.ACC.CO.NZ (Accident Compensation Corporation). So ok, maybe i did pay. But tell me how...
  14. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    LOL... Once again, you insist on implying that the Egyptians are unified by the army. Do you know why they are cheering the tanks that roll throught the streets and protests??? I dont think so. They cheer them because they know that they were put there at the request of security forces that are...
  15. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    omg... u think they hold there army over there bread, why.. egyptians are not a hive satisfied by the knowledge their "stick" is the biggest. They are ordinary husbands, wives, children etc. The Mothers & Fathers care more for the children than they do your tanks. Children benefit more from...
  16. sputniknz

    During the seedling stage.....

    After talking to a friend today i have a question. I understand the light cycle is valde maximus. But during the first 4 days (say 3 inches) if you dont keep a strict light cycle in terms of short on's and short off's, or periods of lower and higher light, does it mean you could pretty much...
  17. sputniknz

    Soda Water Yes or No?

    Last night i sprayed seedlings (1 week old) with Schweppes Soda Water containing: Carbonated Water Sodium Bicarbonate Without any exaggeration i have noticed two things, the color has deepened (darker green) and the leaves look like they are fatter. I would post pics but haven't got my camera...
  18. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    Ha ha ha... i went to the doctors today, had xrays and my pregnant wife had all her checkups. Last month my son had his teeth checked, cleaned and 1 filling.... For all of that i paid nothing. So keep arguing the point, hell vote obama out, you were destined not to agree with each other...
  19. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    No im not, you are oversetimating its dependance on US support. I lived in the balkans during the war. They started with nothing but hand guns a hunting rifles, over the course of a year they were armed to the teeth. If funds in their economy were distributed they way they ought to be i think...
  20. sputniknz

    Just a little bud porn

    fuck dude... i just showered and put clean undies on for fuck sake!... couldn't you have posted this a few hours ago..... butiful pics, thnx for the shower :p