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  1. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    Ummmm NO!.... the money going to egypt from the U.S. is more of a pay-off, consider Egypt under the current regime to be something of a US Sherrif in the middle east, earning 2.2b a year. FYI how much do you think Mubarak and his cronies rake in annually, id say 2.2b to be precise. Not a cent of...
  2. sputniknz

    Death To Mubarak!

    I find it ironic that you adopt this point of veiw only after he threatens your own. Even more ironic that the US has been bank rolling his government for over a decade. And now when the people who have suffered at his hand funded by your wallet make them selves heard, you side with them based...
  3. sputniknz please? +rep for advice

    my girls are looking much better today... stems look stronger, leaves are getting broader will post some pics in a couple of hours
  4. sputniknz please? +rep for advice

    ok so here's is the sucky news.... y'know how i said it was clear tommorow, well apparently not.... cloudy as coz we got the cloudy bug all day tommorow.... so i done something different, put these things over the plant, hope to difuse the light but keep it close and prevent frying, ive cut some...
  5. sputniknz please? +rep for advice

    Okay, so im gonna put this down as a fuck up. But im gonna have to go with it. I dont have any more CFL's, and cant get any for the next couple of weeks... i live rural area and wont be going to town for a while... These are the first attepmts so im gonna see what happens... will be better...
  6. sputniknz

    Kate Middleton/Pr. William & Wikileaks....unknown to ordinary Americans???

    SnowCrash, you didnt have to say you were educated. Your post said that for you. Nice read, thanks for the insight. +rep
  7. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    You should be fine.
  8. sputniknz

    Hearts & Minds are with you Queensland, Cyclone YASI is category 5

    If there are higher powers up there, then to them i say a prayer. Spare a thought for Queensland guys, give them your thoughts and hearts for tonight they will need them. May god be with you all. :sad: Bump if you care.
  9. sputniknz please? +rep for advice

    Okay, i done the best i could.... I have replanted into 6ltr's. I buried them up to there necks and moved the lights closer, i have added the only cfl i have which isnt much.... 100W equivalent. I cant put it any closer coz the HPS is gonna cook the housing.... probably will at this range...
  10. sputniknz

    Kate Middleton/Pr. William & Wikileaks....unknown to ordinary Americans???

    Its strange hearing a point of veiw such as yours coming from an American, all be it refreshing, but strange still. Most of what you have said, in my opinion, represents alot of what people in my neck of the woods get frustrated about. Forgive me/us, but these "Basic Science" statistics, not to...
  11. sputniknz

    Kate Middleton/Pr. William & Wikileaks....unknown to ordinary Americans???

    not to pick at it...but the poll wasn't based on people from around the world it was based on people in the US, all be it a small number, but US nonetheless.
  12. sputniknz please? +rep for advice

    Ok, by the picture below im pretty sure my little girl is stretching like hell. She got 3cm taller overnight. This is a Short Stuff/Lowryder #1. She is under 600w HPS. I had her covered, but looking at her this morning i have decided to take the cover of and let her catch the breeze...
  13. sputniknz

    national health awesome!

    You sir are correct. And from that i take you to be something of a democrat. I am not in the US, i am in New Zealand. We have the healtcare plans you had all been dreaming of for years. Full credit to Obama and his outfit for giving it to you, but YOU the people (mostly republicans from what...
  14. sputniknz

    Kate Middleton/Pr. William & Wikileaks....unknown to ordinary Americans???

    Can it be???.... seriously i am curious, not bashing the states, but is it true?? Please read or go to the link... "NEW YORK - Despite constant media coverage, 41 per cent of Americans are not sure what...
  15. sputniknz

    This is awesome!...ill drink to that, or ill drink that to that!!!

    You guys might have already seen this, but i only just seen it here... love this guy, sort of ironic he is not a user though. No offence, but i dont care must for state of affairs in the US at the moment...
  16. sputniknz

    Power loads, HPS Bulbs???? some help please :p +rep for helping

    Ok, just quickly.... the timer i have looks alot like the thing you are talking about. Check the link for the timer i have... And here is a picture of the back of my timer: But as it says timer.... and not...
  17. sputniknz

    Power loads, HPS Bulbs???? some help please :p +rep for helping

    What is a relay? And what is it to the ballast? My Iron doesn't say how many amps, and i cant find anything online, all it says is 1600W-2000W.
  18. sputniknz

    Power loads, HPS Bulbs???? some help please :p +rep for helping

    ok just took some pics of the sticker on my ballast, the fan doesnt have an amps reading just says 12v. If you cant see on the pic it says: "Lighting Control Gear 600w HPS LAMP 105V 6.2A" and below in small writing "Input 240V 2.6A"
  19. sputniknz

    Power loads, HPS Bulbs???? some help please :p +rep for helping

    Im not a electrician, obviously. FYI: I am in New Zealand, power here is 230/240v @ 50hz 1) Can i run a 600w HPS and its ballast aswell as a standard desk fan over a 10ft extension cable plugged into a double adapter thats plugged into a wall socket without worrying? Note: The double...
  20. sputniknz

    smoking Last joint - totally depressed

    you wanker..... im sooooo jealous :p!!!