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  1. sputniknz

    NEW ZEALAND is going to be really GREEN soon... legalizing is on the agenda!

    I really am laughing at myself now, feeling stupid lol. I thought IregAt420 meant something like... "Im a regular at 420"....anyways. In my honest opinion i cant see it happening. I dont want to sound pessimistic, but i remember meeting Nandoor about 10 years ago and he said it would happen...
  2. sputniknz

    Bora - what now!

    Thanks mate, but the type of Bora i am talking about wasn't in there. Was a great read though, +rep for linking. thnx.
  3. sputniknz

    Worm Castings = C02

    Good call, i have read about some people who ferment in bottles and feed the generated co2 directly into the soil. So it sounds good, but in reality how much of it is being used, and is it used effectively. And from what i have read most Co2 absorbtion comes from the leaves, infact nearly all of...
  4. sputniknz

    NEW ZEALAND is going to be really GREEN soon... legalizing is on the agenda!

    I joined the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party a couple of weeks ago, and after browsing their site and doing a bit of research of my own i begin to wonder. You sound like your from dunedin?... and i take from your name you are a regular at the 420 smoke ups on campus. So i assume the people you...
  5. sputniknz

    Worm Castings = C02

    I fail to see what this has to do with the lights being off. This process will occur beneath the surface of the soil, therefore it is dark all the time. The rate of Co2 production here would be minimal also. Fermentation kits would produce far more, and apparently they dont even produce that...
  6. sputniknz

    NEW ZEALAND is going to be really GREEN soon... legalizing is on the agenda!

    OKay, an update on the status of pot in NZ. ILLEGAL Does anyone know if the day our politicians see some sense and decriminalise/legalise it? Im loosing hope.
  7. sputniknz

    Co2 Oil Lamps - Pro's and Con's

    Could someone tell me how beneficial the oil burning lamps are for Co2 production in a sealed enviroment 1800x750x1350 (metric) , are they worth using or not?
  8. sputniknz

    Early Male?

    cant see anything, closeup please :P
  9. sputniknz

    How to tell early stages between male and female ?

    Look like a girl to me, better photo would help. But im pretty sure its a girl.
  10. sputniknz

    Hello, from new zealand

    hi dopey, plenty of us kiwis here mate.... im newbie and have seen good relavant info for kiwi growers
  11. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    As follows: 1800 x 750 x 1350 Grow cabinet lined with builders insulator wrap (shiny stuff) 600w HPS LucaGrow Worm Castings Perlite Standard desk fan Havent decided on the nutrients yet.
  12. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    yea 4 sure, will get some batteries for the camera and upload some pics once i start germinating.
  13. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    I got 10 lowryder auto's, wanted a strong and small plant that doesn't require much skill lol.
  14. sputniknz

    Why are the side affects of not completely blocking out the light during lights off?

    just want to know how important it is to block out light for lights off. I am low budget so i want to allow heat from the light (600whps) to vent without letting light in.
  15. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    $100 all up
  16. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    ok. my seeds from cam today. RECORD time!, just over 10 days. Seeds are in plastic container, not particularly well hidden. Cant beleive it got through the postal inspectors, i recognised the packet from a mile away. No freebies either. Got a lottery code but that didnt win me...
  17. sputniknz

    Bora - what now!

    Dunno what you call Bora in other coutries, but here we use the word to describe a type of critter that bores holes in your wood eating the sap wood and leaving little dust piles behind. My questions are, do they eat canna plants? Also, i have been told that where bora are there are no...
  18. sputniknz

    Why are the side affects of not completely blocking out the light during lights off?

    As the title says, if i had a hole in my tent say the size of a pen, how would it affect my plants growth? and i mean "what are the side..... oops
  19. sputniknz

    UFO seeds. /Attitude seeds bank/

    might be wrong but it seems like a glitch on the page, when you go to another seeds page there is a drop down box above the quantity box for selecting the pack type you want. bet they havent sold many of this type, not sure what your getting, although for the price i would say 1 pack of 4 only.
  20. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    Hi scoobysteve, have you purchased yet?