Search results

  1. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    Hi Scoobysteve, First of, i tried to buy my seeds through attitude, form completed- pushed submit and was told that the shipping address was not verified. So I just bought mine through last week, still waiting for them to arrive, should be here in two weeks or three they said...
  2. sputniknz

    Help!... can you go shopping 4 me?

    If its not too much could someone help me out. If i was to say- post a link to some "random" site which provides products for gardeners in my area; would someone please be so kind to go on an imaginary shopping spree with say $140NZD at it and tell me if they have used any of the products on it...
  3. sputniknz

    How much will the electricity bill be?

    No way dude, your figures have to be wrong. I asked a similar question a few days ago and someone was kind enough to post this for me: 600W X 18 hours = 10800WH Then we can Convert to KWH: 10800WH/1000 = 10.8KWH (this is how much KWH per day the 600 watt will draw) We're running it for a month...
  4. sputniknz

    My harvest under 600w.

    I am so jealous, my seeds havent even arrived yet. Cant wait to get things underway.
  5. sputniknz

    1st Grow Room Setup

    Im not an electrician but i think this works, ask a electrician in any case; If you cut the plug and reverse the polarity (hook negative to positive terminal and vice versa positive to negative terminal) you can make the fan spin in the opposite direction. Don't cut them unless you know what...
  6. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    Yeah ok, but ive been told that the ballast for my light needs a rest too, so im probably gonna stick with 18/6 cycles all the way to harvest.
  7. sputniknz

    Yo important.

    I have to say this, when i signed up for this site it said explicitly in no uncertain terms.... no minors. You have to be over 18 to post in here. I think giving people advice is great, but advising minors on this is crossing a line. How do you report posts to the moderators, its this sought of...
  8. sputniknz

    Important Question

    Dont grow in his house unless you ask him. If he says no, consider not smoking until you can get your own crop going elsewhere. I know that sounds hard, but consider it. Im doing that at this very moment. I started smoking a while ago as a substitute for prescription medicine, serious stuff. But...
  9. sputniknz

    Important Question!

    I dunno if this applies to you but from what iv been reading, if you plant in soil you should not add nutrients until a few weeks of vegging have passed as there will already be nutrients in the soil you bought. Adding more nutrients on top of nutrients in the soil could kill the plant by...
  10. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    thnx legal, i did hear what you said about the insulation. im going to cover the windows and then line the room with thermal wrap and line it again with white plastic wrap, its the best i can do with what i have at the moment ($$) as most of this is already sitting in my garage. just got to get...
  11. sputniknz

    It's a boy, right? HQ Images included!

    dem der is nuts... big ol' nuts, nuts, nuts.... like hairy balls that'll fuck your women..... kill the nuts, kill'em.... but be careful no to shake the nuts.
  12. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    Thanks dude, i hadn't thought of this, infact i thought ballasts were pretty hard core, didn't realise they needed down time too. Im going to run 18/6 then, hey even the plants need to sleep aye.
  13. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    Ha ha ha.... *LMFAO*.... that made me laugh dude, metric mate, all metric here :p.... sorry i forget you guys still havent upgraded yet. Im planning on covering the window any way, but i might put some insulation behind as i have some in the garage. Found a great cabinet for vegging today, but...
  14. sputniknz

    Cost of running HPS bulbs...

    Awesome dude... best explanation thanks alot.
  15. sputniknz

    Cost of running HPS bulbs...

    I need to know how much im gonna be paying roughly on 18/6 cycles with a single 600w HPS bulb. Is there a formula that i can apply here. My power is charged at an average of 23.5 cents per kw/hr, as per my electricity companies website.
  16. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    OH... OOPS SORRY!.... forgot to mention it has a signle glaze window approx 1800 x 800. I was going to cover this anyway (doesn't get direct sunlight anyway) but thought i should tell.
  17. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    Outside is horizontal weatherboards, frame construction and no insulation, inside is vertical TG&V (old house, almost 105 years old). Also there is a hole in the floor which i plan to block up or use if it becomes neccesary. When we bought this house i was healthy, we planned on renovating for a...
  18. sputniknz

    co2 consumption

    This is what i plan on doing, you should consider the fact that Co2 is so easy to produce in quantity over long periods that buying it shouldn't even enter into the equation. Read this - 1 Cut a small hole in the lid of the two liter bottle just big enough for the small tube to fit in it. Slide...
  19. sputniknz

    How important is the temperature..

    Thanks, thats my concern... although i have auto lowryders so if i want i could leave the lights on 24/7 apparently, is this true or is it still better to cut back to 12/12. My problem with a space heater is the high ceilings, and with fucked bones and not wanting to involve anyone else i wont...