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  1. sputniknz

    smoking Last joint - totally depressed

    im with you bro.... i live in New Zealand, our wanker goverment still hasn't seen the light. my grow has only just popped out of the ground.... so i got 10+ weeks. till then i spend what little i can afford to line the underworlds pockets coz my goverment is a bunch of cunts. Im drinking...
  2. sputniknz

    Smoking oxycontin???

    It could be too late for you already. FYI: Prescription medicines use different types of binders (the stuff that holds them together). In most cases it is a type of wax. The actual "medicine" in the tablet makes up approximately 5-15 percent of the pills total size. So if you were to...
  3. sputniknz

    How can i stop smoking everyday ...............please help.....=)

    Hypnosis. Simplest thing to try. You may need to see a psych first though for a refferal, not sure how it is in your country. Worked for me. And i have a very troubled past and experience nightmares everynight... over and over again. Try it dude. I still smoke, but my reasons are pain releif and...
  4. sputniknz

    Help with journal.... i want to delete it and start another

    Hi Guys, I am germinating at the moment, and realised that i have put things in my journal that i dont want in there, can i delete all my journal entries so i can start a fresh? how?
  5. sputniknz

    First time ordering seeds from Attitude

    Do they have Wallmart,Wallgreens, etc in Europe....???
  6. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    Hello Mr Ropata, LOL..... yeah i tried hooking it up through the light fitting... plugged in fan, ballast and a small heater(to test) and noticed the hallway light flickering as the fan was oscilating... i unplugged the heater and the flickering was only just a bit noticeable... moral of this...
  7. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    Question: The wire that goes from the ceiling to the light fitting has two wires only(joined sidebyside). When i cut the extension lead there are three wires, presumably the cable to the light has + and -, but no ground. Will it matter to the operation of the grow gear if there is no third...
  8. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    No, power here in NZ is 230/240v 50hz. Is that better or worse, are you able to advise whether running a 600w HPS and a standard oscilating fan.
  9. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    Ok that sounds like a final locked in asnwer will do it that way, was hoping to leave the light fitting in place. Thanks guys.
  10. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    yeah...i did think of that but that means hanging wires, might give away my grow.... would prefer to just rig it into the switch box
  11. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    negative... this switch only affects the light shown
  12. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    can you simplify please..... and no i am in New Zealand
  13. sputniknz

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    :idea::idea:I need help getting power to my grow.:idea::idea: I have posted this before but found this thread and thought i might have more luck here. This light switch is directly above my grow box, and the room has no power sockets at all. I want to wire an extension lead into this...
  14. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    if you need more pics let me know i will take them straight away and post immediately
  15. sputniknz

    Electricians please help me!! PLEASE!

    I need some help with a light switch in my room. At the moment i dont have power to my setup. However, directly above my cabinet there is a light switch. I unscrewed the cover and took photo's. What i want is to be able to cut the end of my multi-plug (4-way) and wire it into this switch so...
  16. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    They dont accept debit/credit cards....
  17. sputniknz

    What can i expect - Lowryder Auto's

    Okay, so now i know enough about my setup that i would like to give you guys the specs in hope that someone can set me an achievable....i repeat ACHIEVABLE target for a first time grower. I have... Lowryder #1 Auto's Watering: Manual/Distilled/Occasional Foliage Spray(Occasionally i will...
  18. sputniknz

    Freshly drying buds smell fruity, almost like melon?

    Dude, thats awesome for something you found.... that smell is all goodness. FYI the link im posting here has to be one of the best explanations of drying and curing methods... have a read if you dont know already...
  19. sputniknz

    Best way to buy seeds in New Zealand?

    thnx dude, +rep for the advice.... i was hoping castings would be sufficient, am a bit concerned about drainage.... what mix ratio would you recommend, im leaning towards %50 castings, %25 Perlite, %25 Mushroom Compost...... but the more i think about this mix, the richer it sounds.... to rich...