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  1. dimebag87

    Bending leaf?!

    Far from dead though like!
  2. dimebag87

    Bending leaf?!

    I know I would say this but again, something looks a little off with them. The second one looks nice n green but there's some leaf curl and stuff going on there. Whats your ph at? Maybe someone else could chime in with an opinion.
  3. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    good stuff mate ;-) i bet youve got the growing bug now haha
  4. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    nope. nowts for certain no matter what. ah well on the bright side i will walk away after this crop with a decent amount to last me for a while (hopefully). how are your babys hanging in mate?
  5. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thats the only thing about growing. you just cant fully bank on it to get you through.
  6. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i have thought about that one but its a case of what strain will manage our weather. to be fair i had some cheapo strain called spontanica in my garden back in 09 that didnt do to bad but it was a warm summer from what i remember.
  7. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    to be honest its just down to small things, but in the end may fuck us over. e.g like a true nob i told ppl one of whom decided to underweigh me bud the little prick so least to say i have no trust for. it needs to cool down. we only grow four but when youve got a bar of product lying about...
  8. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    well after a chat with the missus it looks like im going to have to pack in for five months after this. that means we will have about ten for eight months. will it last? WILL IT FUCK!!!! back to a tenner a g we go :wall:
  9. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    its entirely up to you though!
  10. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    if i was you i would try and go for a more original strain. if you are still learning then go for it mate because they are cheap but if youve got a grow under your belt go for a better quality strain!
  11. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeh i tried that mate. what ive resorted to is just letting it out the bedroom door. it should be all good with the intake fan in place because it sucks fresh air straight from the open window. rhino filter next time i think! cheers for the help bud ;-)
  12. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    snooker is hard man. you look down the q and its like you're playing on a football pitch lol
  13. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i run it filter to fan with a short piece of ducting in between, then from the other side its to the air brick/vent thingy. the filter is attached with silver duct tape so that might be the issue matey (not air tight maybe. but like i say i pulled the duct down and me and my lady had a sniff and...
  14. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i wouldnt be able to help on that matter dude. still at least you arent pumping the smell into a kids room next door haha :lol:
  15. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i have a 4 inch rvk and it runs pretty damn quiet. do a test though like you say.
  16. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    rvk's are meant to be top quality mate.
  17. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeh i dont get it man. to be fair im using a budget filter but i havnt picked up on any smell. looks like ill just have to vent it out near the window and see how that goes!
  18. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    deary me boys thats just sick lol i am using a filter and its only been on a week so god knows. like i say i pulled the ducting down and i couldnt smell nowt. she suspected her fella for the same reason at first for the same reason moggy but she kicked him out last week and the smell is still...
  19. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    fuck me guys big scare for me this evening. just had a nice little chat with my neighbour. she said its not a problem but her sons room constantly reeks of bud. now the thing is my tent is in the adjacent room on my side of the wall and i have been venting through an air brick. the only...
  20. dimebag87

    Water question?

    there are hard and soft water nutrients on the market. your local hydro shop will sell nutrients that run well with water in that area so you can't go wrong getting them there really.