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  1. dimebag87

    Up shit creek!Res size too small!

    well i basically drilled holes in the pots and top tray to let the roots into the res. i never thought about res size and the even greater uptake of solution. its a complete oversight.
  2. dimebag87

    Up shit creek!Res size too small!

    anybody with an idea because im spent.
  3. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm trying to bulk at the minute. I'm doing it dirty this time though. No more endless piles brown rice and grilled chicken. It just doesn't fucking work for me! Since dirty bulking my body got harder and stronger in a month that I ever did in about three or four. Not a long time to see results...
  4. dimebag87

    Up shit creek!Res size too small!

    Hi guys. I have a wilma system that I turned into a DWC but I have just realized 5 weeks into flower that the res is way too small for four plants (6.5 gallons). The PH will drop nearly everyday from 6.2 to 4.8! I'm assuming it's because they are taking all of the N and leaving a high amount of...
  5. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    Thanks man. Well to be honest the system I'm using was pretty much a drip system. It's a wilma! I don't know if you're familiar with them? I was thinking about trying to build an external top off reservoir and attaching it to the...
  6. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    I just read the spec for it and you can only use it up to two weeks of flowering so it won't be much use now unfortunately. Thanks for the help though mate :)
  7. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    Haha no man but I have heard of that stuff. I'll take a look but I'm strapped right now and can barely afford the ton of nutrients I'm going to have to get so I can support them for the next five weeks. If they start popping them out a lot I will keep it in mind!
  8. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    Yeah i started thinking about going soil the other day haha. The only thing that bothers me with soil is the potential for lower yields. How much loss did you see when you switched if any?
  9. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    Here are some pics of them about a week ago. Some freaky shit has gone on with some of the newest leaves since then due to heat stress and ph issues. Still far from dead but I'm pretty much guaranteed some hermie action here.
  10. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    There is no root rot I'm sure of that. I make sure to keep everything clean and I use a beneficial bacteria in there to protect against such nasty's ;)
  11. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    Yeah to be honest I'm overly paranoid about PH. I check it several times daily to the point I can accurately pinpoint the time in which it drops the way it does. Like I say the reservoir size of 30 tr/6.5 gallons just isn't enough to support four large plants for a long period of time I would of...
  12. dimebag87

    Root zone ph question.

    Hi. Since my plants have been in flower I have had serious ph issues :( I grow in a wilma that I have moded into what is basically a DWC type system. Cut a long story short my PH has been plummeting from an optimal level of 5.8 to 4.8 at exactly the same time every third day after a res change...
  13. dimebag87

    Trichomes not clear 5th week of Flowering

    A good portion of them still look clear mate. Not yet.
  14. dimebag87

    Bending leaf?!

    well it all depends on the strain. this delahaze ive got is 70 pecent sativa and boy did they stretch. the bending will stress em a little but ive seen people do it this late in so it should be ok.
  15. dimebag87

    Bending leaf?!

    no mate mine are still going :) ive got six inches of room left in my tent so im having to bend the branches which isnt ideal this far into flower. ill grab some pics later so you can have a gander.
  16. dimebag87

    Bending leaf?!

    well if they smell thats allways a good thing. yeh get a ph pen mate! even though its only a bit off it will impact your results so i would get on it asap. you can get one off ebay for quite cheap. another cheaper option would be to get a liquid ph tester in the mean time. you will get an...
  17. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeh man i tried with one of these bunjee scrog jobs but it didnt do much good. this strain ive got at the minute is proper leggy so it doesnt help my plight out too much!
  18. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    kids riding around on gay scooters outside and kicking footballs. its wrong to say but i want to take a baseball bat too their heads.
  19. dimebag87

    The UK Growers Thread!

    morning guys. well today has been fucking stressed for me and the plants. nearly decapitated them adjusting the light (second time this week). i let it drop to 15 degrees last night wich aint very good! a case of slight over fert and i had to supercrop them (at week 4) since there's only 10...
  20. dimebag87

    Wilma/hydro Delahaze SCROG.

    Hey. A few more pics then. These are from day 20 of flowering and they are at day 28 today exactly and going strong. Height is becoming an issue though but they appear to have slowed down a lot now but with only about ten inches max to spare. Its going to be close :/