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  1. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    one more quick question...if i do much do you ESTIMATE ill yield by fall?
  2. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    scratch that last post...i thnk im gonna grow some balls. lol i thnk since they will grow so big...i will just move them deeper into the woods so no1 will notice them...there! problem solved woo lol
  3. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    but where would i put them? lol
  4. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    yea...i mean i could induce it...i could put a bag over them when i want them to go to sleep...but um...they maaaaaaay have a little battle tomorrow...its supposed to storm...bad. i hope they dont drown.
  5. cannabum13

    what do i do now? help!!!

    hey i'm kinda in the same boat as you...i started mine indoors tho for a month, got home, and realized i couldn't put them anywhere in my i moved them outdoors...reppin the east coast lets hope the weather stays warm huh?
  6. cannabum13

    Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

    lol yea man the avatar...ridic...ur plants...awesome...nuff said.
  7. cannabum13

    Early 12/12 Grow

    yea man your ladies are lookin fiiiiine...
  8. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    so is that how long i should wait? the fall? i mean i go back to school sept. 5th or is there any way i could do it earlier?
  9. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    actually i thought it would be nice to shit around the plants...ya kno, natural ok ok seriously thats nasty, but u really thnk theyll get big?
  10. cannabum13

    Early 12/12 Grow

    yea man...lets see more of them lol
  11. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    well here they are everyone...stupid law keepin me from my babies! haha ok lil too dramatic...but seriously this blows Group photo lol Pizzle Spidey Droopy Their new home in the woods...blah...any suggestions? i know its nothing special but it's gonna have to do...:cry:
  12. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    lol haha thanks guys...bad news tho...i got home and the place i originally had for them doesnt i tried to move them to a diff spot and there weren't enuf pretty much i was screwed for keepin them planted the three of them in my now i know you...
  13. cannabum13

    Drug Test Question

    thanks everyone...i really appreciate it u have no idea...ill let you all know how it goes...
  14. cannabum13

    Early 12/12 Grow

    lol got ants in the pants
  15. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    where do i find one of those shops?
  16. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    o ok sweet cool man...yea ill prob end up investing in one of those electronic ones...
  17. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    def thanks man...where can i get an inexpensive pH reader? preferably at a store, not online....
  18. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    i water every three days cuz i thought it wasnt good to water too much? and where do u get double fluoros for 20? home depot?
  19. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    that they far...the move home is gonna be scary...idk if i can keep em in my house, no place i can thnk of stealth enuf! wat exactly is macro mode btw?
  20. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    no i havent...i dont have anything to check with...why? does something look bad?