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  1. cannabum13

    First Grow!!! Hydro System

    lookin good man
  2. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    no this was sort of a spontaneous thing b/c i was originally growing indoors but i had to move it out b/c i had no where to put them wen i got home...i do check them pretty much wat is there i can do to care for mold? thanks MrLion
  3. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    no takers on my questions? booo
  4. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    ooook so here's the update guys.... Pizzle Spidey Droopy What's up with the brown spotting circled in the picture above? The really fucked up leaf was from when I accidentally burned it on a light bulb, but the other spots are new....bad? They're all droopin b/c raining a lot...
  5. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    i hope mine have snow on their tops at the end lol if ya kno wat i mean man....ha ha ha
  6. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow! if my plants outside experience one day of below 50 degree weather...will they make it? or will their growth just slow down for a bit....which i have no problems with lol...theyre gonna get big enuf alrdy.
  7. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    hahahahaha lol theres only far that is...thats just two pics of the same one....but yea man, lil wayne's the fuckin i figured id give him some respect ya kno lol
  8. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    i present to you....Weedy Skunkin Baby! lol (creative i know) Weedy S. Baby :mrgreen: im lookin to get two more goin...then once they get big enuf...hopefully 2 weeks from now...ill put em outside with their sisters...wooo
  9. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    pictures tomorrow...they mite look a lil upset tmw...supposed to get kinda cold...
  10. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    hahahahahhahaha fuck...wat a way to end my day...thank you hahaha
  11. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    funny fucking story...i have poison ivy now...on my fuckin leg....itches like hell. god i hate the
  12. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    fuckin a man....reading that just made my day..thank you haha
  13. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    ok well apparently i could take the pics today sooooo here they are.... Why are Droopy's lower bladed leaves turning yellow? I'm assuming it's nutrient deficiency? If so let me know so I can hurry my ass out there and get her some....haha Spidey lookin fuckin sexy as hell... Reach for...
  14. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    ok i lied about the pictures haha...but im tryin to get a minute...hopefully later today, if not...then i guess tmw or monday ugh...sorry duuuuudes
  15. cannabum13

    Early 12/12 Grow

    damn dude...killa is lookin niiiice...send some my way lol
  16. cannabum13

    Early 12/12 Grow

    hahaha yo, just watched that video...and damn, that mother fucker is huge haha its different in a video then lookin at a picture man...makes me wanna smoke...too bad i cant for a that reminds me about a dude who once said... Only once the drugs are gone....i feel like dying...i feel...
  17. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    ok guys...i did move them one last time i promise...all i did was spread them out in completely different spots so they wouldnt compete and it wouldnt look too suspicious...ill get pictures up tomorrow morning...its kinda raining right check back tmw morning...these bitches are gettin...
  18. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    lol 24/7 man...24 fuckin 7
  19. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    yea man im right there with ya on that...thats why im growing...i wanna save money and the dealers by my school suck. so i figured if i could do it successfully id be able to smoke for free (for the most part). i was fine when i was at school because i don't have parents to worry my...
  20. cannabum13

    First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!

    ok well i checked on them this morning...and wow they look awesome...droopy isnt even droopy anymore! woo lol...but they still have2 get thru this storm comin in...we'll see i guess....i hope nothing falls on them lol