First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
funny fucking story...i have poison ivy now...on my fuckin leg....itches like hell. god i hate the


Well-Known Member
Oh man...LMFAO!

Sorry to hear about that bro..that shits nasty..

Don't spread it all over your body man! Stop itching!!


Well-Known Member
i present to you....Weedy Skunkin Baby! lol (creative i know)

Weedy S. Baby :mrgreen:

im lookin to get two more goin...then once they get big enuf...hopefully 2 weeks from now...ill put em outside with their sisters...wooo


Well-Known Member if my plants outside experience one day of below 50 degree weather...will they make it? or will their growth just slow down for a bit....which i have no problems with lol...theyre gonna get big enuf alrdy.


Well-Known Member
ooook so here's the update guys....



What's up with the brown spotting circled in the picture above? The really fucked up leaf was from when I accidentally burned it on a light bulb, but the other spots are new....bad?

They're all droopin b/c raining a lot lately...should subside tomorrow tho...any other things I should be looking at? thanks guys :blsmoke:


Active Member
First and foremost your plants will be around Waist height, Sorry but pounds of each started out at that height is nothing short of a shoot for the stars. In my experience only a few foot tall plant at start will yeild that that much WHich is an incredible amount in the first place. One major thing to know is Mold can take out your plant easy if left untreated outside i mean fast! especially in rainy climate. YOU EVER GROWN OUTDOOR?