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  1. Lil Czr

    Wild Weed

    Oh yeah man, some of those old landrace sativas were amazing.
  2. Lil Czr

    are they ready to harvest?

    No, they are no where near ready. You have a few weeks to go yet.
  3. Lil Czr

    Are you a know it all dickhead?

    And I'm just an old fashioned son of a bitch.
  4. Lil Czr

    Are you a know it all dickhead?

    Don't let em get to you. There's a thousand little punks that troll this site. You learn to just ignore the trash after a while.
  5. Lil Czr

    is this sativa or indica any comment ?

    It's very much on the sativa side.
  6. Lil Czr

    how long left??

    I'd agree with the 2 week time frame.
  7. Lil Czr

    The Trichome by Matt Rize

    You can't go wrong elaborating on weed.
  8. Lil Czr

    techniques for HUGE yields

    Uncle Ben's 2 to 4 main cola technique Planting and pruning by the phases of the moon
  9. Lil Czr

    Some Of My Bubble Hash I Just Mad With My Bubble Bags

    You got busted kid. Now try to grow up and not make a dummy of yourself again.
  10. Lil Czr

    Does Topping increase your yield

    I hate to disagree with you there, but if you do it right i.e. Uncle Ben's method and one or two others. I assure you that you will have an increased yield.
  11. Lil Czr

    Does Topping increase your yield

    If you know what you're doing, it does. If you do it like a lot of people on this site, it wont.
  12. Lil Czr

    holy shit!! need advice ASAP

    Actually, they only found out as they were preparing to lay a bunch of people off, including me. They tried to get me to pay them back, but there was nothing they could do at this point to press the matter. Long story short, I stuck it to the man to the tune of about 8 thousand bucks. But if...
  13. Lil Czr

    Anti-Green girlfriend...

    I mean, I guess you have to ask yourself what do you love more. This chick or the weed. Well, which is it?
  14. Lil Czr

    yeild amount (pics)

    Less than an 8th with that set up.
  15. Lil Czr

    curling tips, folding leaves

    It appears that you have the infamous Nitrogen claw. I'd say dial back on the food a bit and that would help out a lot.
  16. Lil Czr

    can anyone verify that this plant is a female?

    It is a female
  17. Lil Czr

    Random bagseed has purple buds

    That sounds down right yummy. Happy breeding.
  18. Lil Czr

    Anti-Green girlfriend...

    Man, how did you get mixed up with a t-totaler? You've got to get her to loosen up a bit.
  19. Lil Czr

    Anti-Green girlfriend...

    You just have to slowly get her used to you smoking weed.
  20. Lil Czr

    Do these look close to harvest?

    Looks good, got a little nitrogen claw going on though. Just back off the food a bit and you'll be good.