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  1. Lil Czr

    Being Frugal!

    Yeah man, I hear you. If it wasn't for me turning them off, my wife would have every, and I mean every light in the house on all day and all night.
  2. Lil Czr

    I am the legal stoner

    Well, that's no fun...
  3. Lil Czr

    ALL MALES. Look like 10 weeks down the drain, check the pics and confirm. =(

    You're right man, it looks like you're 0 for 10. Someone must have put a curse on you or something.
  4. Lil Czr

    Starting my life, gonna get a credit card

    Beware the credit card. It's been the death of many a dream. Be smart kid and don't go into debt.
  5. Lil Czr

    Time question..

    When the seedling first pops out of the soil, I give it 1 week for what I call the seedling stage. After that I consider my plants to be in the veg stage of growth and I start counting from there. Usually 3 to 5 weeks of vegging and I trigger flowering. At that point most of them are showing...
  6. Lil Czr

    Being Frugal!

    Oh man, you can't buy meat like this anywhere. It's just marvelous.
  7. Lil Czr

    Passive Intake?

    If you have a passive intake, you'll need a good exhaust fan to pull the air. If you don't have anything pushing or pulling, you're gonna have some stagnate air. This does not include of course your fan for in room air circulation.
  8. Lil Czr

    My Stems are Hollow!

    That is considered a good thing as far as genetics is concerned.
  9. Lil Czr

    Being Frugal!

    Yes, I like to hunt. I also reload my own ammo to save money there too. We do a bit of trot line fishing as well as standard rod and reel, so the freezer is full os fish. I like to butcher and smoke my own pork as well as grind our own sausage. We eat pretty good around here.
  10. Lil Czr

    When the @#%^ hits the fan. How will you contribute?

    Well, you'd have to hole up somewhere for a couple of weeks (preferably your own stocked up fortified location) to wait for the panic and riots to subside. After that you may be able to assist in rebuilding society.
  11. Lil Czr

    Dumpster Diving!

    I try not to actually get inside the dumpsters, but I've been known to Fred Sanford. around a bit.
  12. Lil Czr

    Being Frugal!

    I grow a great deal of my own food. I've also been into canning and freezing for a couple of years now. That has taken a huge chunk out of my grocery bill. Not to mention the unbelievable food quality you get from home produce.
  13. Lil Czr

    Weird plant issue popped up after upped nutes?

    I'm guessing that it's not a N def. since you have that level of nute burn. The purple stems that someone mentioned is just a genetic trait in some strains. If you keep pushing the limits with your nutes, you're going to creating more problems. Many times the manufacturers recommended PPM's a...
  14. Lil Czr

    Eliminating hunger in my world untill new years

    I did that one year. And was told by all the poor starving people that they couldn't live on bologna. They said why should they eat bologna when the mission serves them hot ham and chicken salad with hot coffee too. Ended up feeding them to the dogs.
  15. Lil Czr

    When Do You Consider The Bowl Cached?

    I smoke it until it stops smoking. Waste not want not I always say.
  16. Lil Czr

    Poll: Polinated buds = higher THC content? Vote now!

    The seeded branches are good for smoking and will get you plenty high. They just aren't as nice to smoke as they seem to be a bit harsher and lacking in flavor.
  17. Lil Czr

    How does this bud look?

    Looks ok to me.
  18. Lil Czr


    Depending on the size and density of your buds. 5 to 8 days in my opinion.
  19. Lil Czr

    Weird plant issue popped up after upped nutes?

    That sounds like a reasonable thing to do. But I'm not a hydroponic grower so someone else may have some better advice.
  20. Lil Czr

    Weird plant issue popped up after upped nutes?

    You burned them a bit with the increase of nutes.