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  1. shakti

    biobizz usage

    Anyone used biobizz nutriens? im in first week of flowering and just wondering if schould i still use biogrow for veg phase or just skip to bio bloom ? please help!
  2. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    please, could anyone help to diagnose deficiency?
  3. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    you're very right but what schould i let them die then? :) sometimes knowledge is the essential thing ;)
  4. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    Hey, and here is the next chapter of my plant problems, 2 of them are beauties , another 2 struggling with kind of deficency , ive stopped giving them any nutriens cos was afraid of nut burn , but now i think it was due to ph levels that were far too high , over 7 so probably nutriens lock up ;/...
  5. shakti

    Pure Power Plant (PPP) 2 X 250W HPS Cooltube ScrOG Attic Grow

    how is your pure power plant? i grow mine now and looking for any info :)
  6. shakti

    Pure Power Plant from white label

    Hi there :) has anyone had any experiences with growing Pure power plant from white label? any info would be appreciated
  7. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    i gave them water, and so an imrovement today so schould be fine but im watching them very carefully :)
  8. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    yes its that one plant and just pictures of it. how on such a small amount of organic food i could get a burnt? we see how it reacts after water, but probably next week i wont give them nuts as all plants have a yellow tips.i check by my finger if they have a proper moist in a soil every 2nd...
  9. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    do you think the water schedule might be proper then? this plant is directly under the lamp , but the distance is 36-40 cm , ill try to change her place in the growbox and see waht happens.but dry and dead tips of leafs i found even with plants in further distance from the lamp
  10. shakti

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    hi there :) my plants are in 38 day of veg , the strain is pure power plant, all are about 36 cm tall already. I started to feed them in 3rd week of their growth and they seemed to like it- fast growth, healthy leaves :) i feed and water them once a week , sometimes its 5-7 days intervals in...
  11. shakti

    lst....need help

    ive just noticed that 3 of them have shown their sex - all female ;p hopefully with 2 m high box and mostly indica with longer veg cycle ill be fine :) the stems are really hard and woody :/ ill try with more delicate and flexible tops probably, cant be brutal ;p
  12. shakti

    lst....need help

    hmm and there you go...probably my ideas about double topping in a very short period of time might be worth of re-thinking :) so you say that Lst might be more effective ? Its a low stress training as a name says so maybe i schould stick to it then? do you think that doing LST now and giving 2...
  13. shakti

    lst....need help

    Thnak you schtrudel for your advice :) hmm i guess i ll have to try and not be worried its first time doing lst and growing in general so everything seems to be a bit complicated :) I was thinking today about leaving them a bit longer in veg.P Pure Plant is mostly indica hybrid that schould...
  14. shakti

    So nice of you my friend ;)) thank you a lot

    So nice of you my friend ;)) thank you a lot
  15. shakti

    lst....need help

    Hey Joey ;) thank you buddy,actually i have started to watch your videos before :)) i think im gonna follow them up :) yes you have a right sense, just come back home and all the place smells so juicy :) but soon i will have to do something about it :) thx Im about to set the journal up, hope...
  16. shakti

    lst....need help

    hi guys :) everything seems to be very clear thanks to your posts , but just have a question about flowering.Im in 5 week of veg , switching to flowering nex week, the only training i made to plants was topping and i was amazed by amount of side branches it gave, im thinking about lst but can i...
  17. shakti

    first grow , Pure Power Plant-WhiteLabel ...

    Definitely i will post further results...but today i found yellow tips on my Dragon leaves ;/ I water them every 5-6 days with a 2ml biogrow, roots and heaven from biobizz ...on 1l water, hope burn its not so easy with organic feed ...water, feeding, lamp? any deficency? here some photos of...
  18. shakti

    first grow , Pure Power Plant-WhiteLabel ...

    Hi there, Its my first grow still learning , seeking any helpful advice because i really love my babies ;) I have 3 plants in 32 day of veg which are PPP and 1 Arjans haze nr 3 and PPP in 25 days of veg, few photos to show you how are they at this stage The small one is Arjan Haze :/ not...