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  1. EsCo204

    Re: Set Up / Plan

    Yo man thanks for the tips , Due to where im staying the basmeent is my only spot, i know for good results frsh air would defintley be a good thing , but money is an issue for me these day lol :fire: . basically im strapped and trying to pull it off , not sure what the results will be , but...
  2. EsCo204

    Re: Set Up / Plan

    :leaf: I am going to dedicate a corner in my basement for the 2 plants around 8 by 8 feet , no ventilation planned but will be using 2 rotating fans . from reading alot of these forums on others people adive or ideas its got my mind going nuts trying to figure out what the hell to do with...
  3. EsCo204

    Re: Set Up / Plan

    Hi , my name is Jay from Canada , This is my first attempt on growing and id like to ask you guys how my set - up sounds . I am only going to be running 2 plants at the most . I Purchased a 400 watt ballast with a HPS ( High Pressure sodium ) bulb, I lined my wall with aluminum foil to anhance...