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  1. 7

    has anyone grown world of seeds sugar mango ryder?

    I havent but i have grown lots of their afgan kush ryder. Very good. Lots of branching and heavy yields. Im trying sugar mango soon.
  2. 7

    Are auto strains any better or worse than Rey strains?

    Some smoke is some isnt. Auto are very potent depending on the selected strain. I have some afgan kush ryders thar are in tgeir jars. My son in law just finished some reg afgan kush. They are virtually identical, the high, bud formation, smell and bud colors. Very good smoke btw.
  3. 7

    whats a good auto strain for yield?

    Id go with the afgan kush ryder. Great high and a very good yielder.
  4. 7

    question about auto

    Get the fems!!!
  5. 7

    2 x 4 Auto Grow ! (Easy Ryder/Red Dwarf)

    Red dwarfs pretty good.i grew out 3.
  6. 7

    what strain to buy

    Lol why not an auto flower?
  7. 7

    First timer here.....the more I read, the more I'm confused

    Are you kidding me recommending not buying wos. There about as solid as any auto ive grown!!! Your right about bad information as your doleing out a heap. Dont ad ph down unless you know what your ph is to begin with. Your starting water ph plus add nutes will usually lower your ph sometimes to...
  8. 7

    my female produced a seed w/o a male!

    Grow it out. I had a afgan kush ryder i held way past harvest time. I got 33 seeds from her. Im on my third grow with those seeds. All have been female and none have hermied .
  9. 7

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    I grow in root organics original potting soil, 5 gallon smart pots. You shouldnt even need to feed them till week 5.i do feed them fox farms bush doctor microbe brew once a week. In week 5 ill start feeding with light nitrogen and heavy phosphourous as they will be flowering.
  10. 7

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    Yes id bubble it , oxygenated water really seems to help with their growth rate.
  11. 7

    stressing a plant into flower and using DMR

    Try collodial silver.
  12. 7

    first autoflower lighting question.... plz help

    That will work . Good luck bro im subbed
  13. 7

    Delicious La Diva very impressed

    Afgan more like 70-75 days. But it's worth it!!
  14. 7

    250w HPS - 2x Afghan Kush Ryder 1x Russian Rocket Fuel

    I still gotta vent my tent.there loking good so far they will really take off in the nect week.
  15. 7

    first autoflower lighting question.... plz help

    I forgot to ask what light schedule are you using?
  16. 7

    first autoflower lighting question.... plz help

    Most afgan cush will start flowering around 21 days on the early ones but thevmajority start closer to 30 days. Id veg till a week after they start to flower.they should start to really take off growing any day now. I have found if you keep them to damp it slows their growth, they like to dry...
  17. 7

    Average Autoflower outdoor yields for 5 g smart pots or smart pots in general?

    I grew in smartpots last summer. Its the only way to go . I grew 5 syrup auto's and averaged 3 ounces per. Just remember in the heat you will have to water a lot probably daily and if you get hot windy days probably 2 times a day.
  18. 7

    layering soil types for a variety of pH buffer ?

    You vary your ph during your watering.but you can always try and reinvent the wheel i suppose.
  19. 7

    Growing auto flowers for that big yield.

    Man that sounds tasty. I'm just about to start my fem seed run. The 1st plant is about ready to get collodial silver lol. She will be a he in 2 weeks.
  20. 7

    layering soil types for a variety of pH buffer ?

    I would think you would be better off with your soil having a solid ph. You can vary ph during your water feed cycles. Knowing your soil ph will let you identify any problems with your plants. Try adding 1 table spoon per gallon of dirt of dolomite garden lime. This will give you a solid ph base...