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  1. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    thanks for stoppin by everyone. sorry I have been really busy, just got a huge promotion! but anyway... yes I did cut the lower growth on the blueberry, partly because I had no weed, and partly because I wanted that one cola to be big. Seems to have worked pretty well. Its a small plant but I...
  2. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    You will not be disappointed! I'd recommend buying the real bubblegum though, I wish I had done that the bubblelicious from nirvana is not very consistent. I had 2 that were pure sativa looking in the beginning. They are suppose to be primarily indica.
  3. B

    Still no sign of BUD

    my guess is light leak, considering you dont even know what that means.
  4. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    yeah man, got mine for 69.95 from HTG.. bulbs included
  5. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    During Veg: FF Grow Big - 1tsp / Gallon Plain Water every 3rd feeding, enough to consider it a "mini-flush" During Flower AgeOld Bloom - 1tbsp / Gallon Plain Water every other feeding Feeding/watering take place about every 3-4 days. I let them dry out pretty well before watering them...
  6. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    thanks! it is a great strain! i would highly recommend that. dutch-passion feminised has worked out pretty well for me so far :joint:
  7. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    thanks for stoppin by, man and thanks for the kind words. The Bubble smells really weird almost bad, when you just sniff the buds.. but when you touch them and smell your fingers... oh my god... its amazing. Really hard to explain. I guess fruity is pretty close.. I'd throw spicey in with...
  8. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    Day 30 12/12 Took a sample from the bottom under the canopy. Tasted bad, but had a nice high. Only about half way there so I expect the finished product to be excellent
  9. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    thanks yeah I decided to tuck some back and other than that let it do its thing. thanks for stoppin by!
  10. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    good idea ill try that when the lights come on! thanks! bubblelicious seems to be pretty popular right now.. I've seen like 4 or 5 current grows just on RIU. represent! :blsmoke:
  11. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    Can anyone tell me if it is too late to remove some fan leaves that are blocking light? I want to do it without stressing the plant... dont want any seeds! There are a bunch of budsites that could potentially add more yield but are being blocked by the fan leaves of the surrounding colas, as you...
  12. B

    Big BIG BIGGG, could be better, help me plz

    :mrgreen: i was stoned when i wrote that and that would actually not work so nevermind sorry hahah
  13. B

    Big BIG BIGGG, could be better, help me plz

    vertical lights on all sides. booya
  14. B

    My Bubblelicious and Blueberry Flowering Log

    Thanks for droppin in! 4 more weeks to go !!!! :hump: :hump: :hump:
  15. B

    Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

    oh damn.. i got mine extremely cheap. like 20 USD or something
  16. B

    Nycd ryder, bubblelicious new grow

    lots of people growing bubblelicious these days is it because of how cheap it is? lol they did put it on sale :leaf: