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  1. normlpothead

    neem oil is the f*ckin devil! plants drooping now! very descriptive..

    Definately leave them there, you don't want to stunt the growth anymore, I was late spraying one morning, and thought they'd have time to dry before the lights came on, they should've been pretty dry but the fan leaves curled, mine came out of it without a problem. I guess it depends on how...
  2. normlpothead

    What exactly is flushing?

    The pot calling the kettle balck.
  3. normlpothead

    how much superthrive to use on seedlings

    I always thought superthrive was garbage, but I know some people swear by it... Anyone want to explain why I should try it?
  4. normlpothead

    Why do my clones keep dying?

    Reading this, first i thought you weren't angling the cut, right under nodes... After reading, my guess is either: A. Your scissors aren't sharp B. The medium is too wet. I'd say it's the medium, try some rockwool cubes, or root plugs. I use root plugs, and roottech, a humidity dome...
  5. normlpothead

    Does glass block light?

    The amount of light blocked is insignificant compared to the heat savings of having a vented hood, or having a red hot bulb explode over you ladies. I'm pretty sure it's a safety issue.
  6. normlpothead

    neem oil is the f*ckin devil! plants drooping now! very descriptive..

    Sounds like you sprayed with the lights on, I've done that once, they should come back fine, just don't spray with the lights on. I use Einstein Oil, I think it's great, Neem is awesome.
  7. normlpothead

    long drying

    As long as you have plenty of air circulation it should only také a week to dry. Then seal it in airtight containers, garbage bags, ziplocks, glass jars... It should definately help. If you are growing in an area that has some trees, you can cut and hang them outside to dry, removing as many...
  8. normlpothead

    CO2 set up

    My friend had a ppm3 that was a piece of garbage. I guess it's common... Huh.
  9. normlpothead

    CO2 set up

    Bout time someone did something about heat generated by those damn generators. ---FUZZY LOGIC Regrets--The fuzzy logic program is used only for tank systems, the CAP controller with fuzzy logic also has a standard ppm3 type control for use with generators. What fuzzy logic does is it...
  10. normlpothead

    spider mites??

    Kelthane, hah, it took me a minute, that stuff is radioactive.
  11. normlpothead

    spider mites??

    About six years ago, I used this stuff, I can't think of the name, it started with a K, but it was worse than Avid, I think they pulled it off the market. The best pesticides are the most dangerous/hazardous ones. But who wants to eat or smoke them, that's why you should grow your own.
  12. normlpothead

    spider mites??

    I had to write something, this thread is hillarious. I've done everything mentioned, and here are my takes: Ladybugs are cool if you want to go COMPLETELY natural, but, they get into everything, burn up inside your hoods, stick in the carbon filter, plus they are totally having sex all...
  13. normlpothead

    Flushing, How do I do it?

    A+ Kludge, you did your homework, i'm too lazy to type all that.
  14. normlpothead

    Room runs to hot please help

    That would be a simple fix, wait til winter to start up the second light. Or get a higher cfm fan. Are you venting through the hoods, or ambient air? Is a/c possible?
  15. normlpothead

    Flushing, How do I do it?

    Seriously though, plain ph water last 10 days, some do it last 7 or 5. Some do it once then pull down.
  16. normlpothead

    Flushing, How do I do it?

    Usually there's a handle on the front or left side, push it down, that should work :)
  17. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    - I vent 4 600W lights through 6in flexible ducts, then through a carbon filter. I use a can fan, i'm not sure what the cfm rating is, but it's a 10 in fan, made for the largest carbon filter. I vent through two hoods each, the to a "Y" then to the fan and filter, pulling air. I tried pushing...
  18. normlpothead

    Advanced Nutrients - Organic Soil, Input?

    Any suggestions?
  19. normlpothead

    Co2 and Temps

    I think you were reefer-ing to the post that mentions using co2 during VEG and early flowering will increase stretch. I use co2 during veg but only at 1000 ppms, cause i flower early from clones in a sog.
  20. normlpothead

    Issues with the Organics, PIX

    Looks like they were burnt, or because the leaves are twisted they are dying off? I'd suggest trimming off the lower fan leaf that's brown, and the lower branches that are struggling, this will promote more growth to the top of the plant which looks healthy. Wait for more replies, but i...