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  1. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    And let there be white......
  2. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    First light attached
  3. brettsog

    Kingbrite Rocks

    Newark have an alternative site for Europeans. Farnell
  4. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    As promised. 3 eggs Just took me over an hour to chop through with a hand saw
  5. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Whoop whoop. Was out today and I missed a package. The only thing I'm expecting was my cobs. Will have them in the morning :)
  6. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Was a while back lol, got a new place, new missus and a new grow. Dude, go led. CREE cxb3590 are best cobs on market at minute, you can run them soft so low wattage pure efficiency. I'm using vero as they are cheaper and I'm not too worried about running them softly to save power. Email...
  7. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Yes it is the one you recommended. They were very pleasant to deal with. I just had a look at the matching drivers and cobs thread. Seems I could have gotten 4 vero and just run them slightly under current but the driver would have been at max efficiency. I may well order another ..... god this...
  8. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    For the time being I am just gonna stick with 3. No sense in adding to my task. Plus I like the fact I can run them at 1.4a at 50w ish. I didn't wanna bother with the dimming function, I'm not here to set records, just a little persy smoke for me n the missus :)
  9. brettsog

    ❧❦ Jad3's Haven ❦❧

    I do like a good read, plus I know that feeling oh so well. I started growing little 7g popsicle plants in the beginning, then once you learn a bit. I ended up the last run I did nearly 2 years ago with one plant 4.5 oz. Was a happy stoner. I used a 250w hps then. Led ftw tho.
  10. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    So as I have at least a week to wait for my cobs to get here I thought I would start prep on the heatsink, gonna chop 10cm off the end so I have a 90 cm bar and have marked where the cobs will be mounted. Will go and buy 2 steel corner brackets tomorrow so I can attach the hangers safely.
  11. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Damn lol, I couldn't even get the whole heatsink in the pic
  12. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Whoop whoop. My driver and my super heatsink are out for delivery :)
  13. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Now I need to buy another cob :( Man this hobby knows how to drain your pockets. Before I go out and do something I regret could @SupraSPL or one of the other resident experts confirm this is possible?? Don't really wanna mess the driver up as it was quite pricey.
  14. brettsog

    ❧❦ Jad3's Haven ❦❧

    Wicked job, just took me 2 hours to read his thread in its entirety and wow. You come a long way. Awesome finish. I am just waiting for parts to arrive to build a 3 x vero 29 light bar. Good growing fella.
  15. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Update time.... they are looking bushier every day, I love watching it. All recovered from the pinching and leveling out well
  16. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Is it possible to run 4??
  17. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Hey man, long time. It's cost me about £160 to build a 3 cob fixture with vero29 cobs, that's all in, heatsink, dimmable driver and fans and wires and bits. Should compete with a 400 hps if all goes well. I'm still learning myself but it seems led is the way forward.
  18. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Thank you again.
  19. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Cheers buddy Will it affect the output of the leds in anyway not fully loading the driver as I can't quite get 4 on the driver
  20. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    A quick question regarding power usage, I have 3 vero 29s v2 3000k and a hlg 185h c1400b driver on the way. Do I need to dim the cobs or can I just leave the driver at full power so pushing 1.4a?