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  1. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    So quick pic update. Starting to look like a jungle in there. Plants all look healthy. Vibrant green. The smaller potted plants seem darker.
  2. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    So I took 2 cutting from each plant just before lights so now I have 12. Will keep 1 from each of the best 3 yeilds for next run. Rest will go to another home. Not sure who yet but sure ill find someone
  3. brettsog

    ...All Things Vero...

    I'm using 3 vero 29 3000k in a 3 x 1.5x 6' space on 185 c1400b driver and I'm very happy with growth so far. I have kept light 12" above canopy and they have exploded with growth since swapping the blurple light out. I haven't bothered with anything fancy. Just mounted cobs onto heatsink with...
  4. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    So fed them all this morning. Used full strength dutch pro a+b and cal mag. I've been watering once a week with a feed every other watering. Stretching has slowed right down. Only a 1/4" growth last night. Pistils are popping on all the nodes. Going to the hydro shop in a bit to grab some rock...
  5. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I wish I lived near you so I could loan your basement...... my mum just moved from uk 2 weeks ago to oregon. I'm jealous. Cheers for the link for them bags. I'll look them up.
  6. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I don't have the floor space. I have about a sq ft of free space In total. I'm using it for moisture traps at the minute. I'm even thinking of reducing number of plants. Probably won't though. I could look at same size footprint but deeper pots. They have only just started to push small roots...
  7. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    22" I flipped them less than a week ago at 8-9" the leaves are starting to darken on some of them and get that lovely purple shade to them. I'm getting a lovely minty undertone in the tent which is cool. I took the scrog screen out of mine for now. Seemed like I would have needed a lot more veg...
  8. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I have a small place I can keep a few clones. I was gonna take 2 from each. And see where they finish up to see whether they are worth keeping. These are genetics from a friend of mine. All reg seeds. These were from his 3rd cross of the same plant. He is using he same male to pollenate each gen...
  9. brettsog

    Bricked Weed, advice?

    Damn that's some serious brick. All that shit ever did was give me a head ache. Was never that cheap though. We used to pay £90 a z. Then sensimilla skunk came around and brick was forgotten, or so I thought lol
  10. brettsog

    Thai stick

    That was the first weed I ever smoked. Was all soap bar before that. Nearly 20 years ago now. Used to come with a light purple string or royal blue. They wrap the buds on stems around bbq skewer and tie it on with the string. Before the days of sensimilla, that and what we used to call mersh. Or...
  11. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    So took a couple snaps. Bud sites are starting to for on all 6 now.
  12. brettsog

    A question for DIY LED!!! please!

    I got slightly off my point. Cobs contain red and blue wavelengths. Without being visibly coloured. I don't fully understand most of the jargon. What I have gathered is that cobs give off the correct spectrums that we are looking for. With a higher intensity. Red and blue does work. Just not as...
  13. brettsog

    A question for DIY LED!!! please!

    Wow...... do some research. You get the right spectrums from cobs without the visible to us blue and red. The plants care for photons not lumens. Cobs are better for penetration and efficiency. 3w diodes vs 100w cobs hmm mm who is gonna win. You can grow weed with blurple but better weed with cobs
  14. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    And I have 6 girls. Not enough room. Might chop 2 up for clones and clear some space
  15. brettsog

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Wouldn't recommend that unless you are securing the connection with some heat shrink or some electrical tape.
  16. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Morning little jungle. They have doubled in height in less than 4 days
  17. brettsog

    DIY COB safety/fire issues

    Use a decent soldering iron, keep your tip clean and tinned. I have never got on with gas irons. Soldering is all about accuracy. Practice on something. It's worth finding the sweet spot when it comes to melting point. Some solder has an actual melting point where other types have a range. And...
  18. brettsog

    DIY COB safety/fire issues

    Lead has a low melting point. I agree it's easier to solder with. U should use a mask. Constant heating and cooling can make the connections brittle and end up with a cold joint. I have always found it to deteriorate over time. I just use lead free, rosin core.
  19. brettsog

    DIY COB safety/fire issues

    If you follow simple soldering methods it's pretty hard to mess them up. A 30w iron is hot enough for electronics. Anything higher and you risk burning the copper pads. Antex are a good solid and reasonably priced iron. I went through 4 cheap ones in a year and bought an antex and 5 years later...
  20. brettsog

    Let there be white: mc130p's horticultural adventure continues

    Have you grown grinspoon before, if so what's your verdict??. Looks like a nice plant from the pics I've seen online. Was gonna get some known genetics for my next run and that is a possibility. We have a strain in Essex called gringo. It's lovely. But clone only and really hard to get a hold...