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  1. U

    what are these little brown specks in my weed?

    definitely no males, guess i'll have to keep a closer eye out for hermies
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    what are these little brown specks in my weed?

    is there something i'm doing to cause this? i've never noticed it before, then again i might not have been paying attention.
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    what are these little brown specks in my weed?

    there was a mite issue before but i think it's taken care of, and either way these specks (while really small) are bigger than a mite, so i really don't think they're eggs or anything. they kind of look like basil seeds. they almost look like weed seeds that never grew into a full seed or...
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    should i cut this down?

    Also, while I'm here, is 60%RH too high with lights off in flower? With the lights on it's like 30-35.
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    should i cut this down?

    So I have two plants in flower, one is doing totally fine, one is new and apparently needs a lot more N than the other strain. It's at the point where even some of the leaves on the bud are dying and falling off. It's at day like, 51 I think? anyway, the trichomes are probably 40% clear still...
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    little tiny spiderweb like strands sometimes when breaking up bud

    sm-90 seems like it works on everything it might possibly be, i got my humidity and temperature where it should be now, think it's worth using that stuff in the future too?
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    little tiny spiderweb like strands sometimes when breaking up bud

    I looked under a scope and it looks normal as far as I can tell. Is it possible that there could be a few mites in the buds even if there is no sign of them on the leaves?
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    little tiny spiderweb like strands sometimes when breaking up bud

    My first harvest had a little mold, I cut it out and tossed it. I noticed that some buds I kept, when breaking them up in bright light, seem to have a few tiny strands that stretch and break. It almost looks like a spiderweb material. I had a minor mite problem in the beginning of that grow that...
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    Can Anyone Suggest a Good Tutorial on Bulk Substrate? wbs coir

    cool, thanks. i sort of wrote off poo because i have no idea where i would buy it and i don't want my house to smell, but then again if it's old and fertilizery i guess it wouldn't. just seems kind of gross.
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    Can Anyone Suggest a Good Tutorial on Bulk Substrate? wbs coir

    So I did the PF Tek thing in a shotgun chamber, it worked out pretty well. The yield wasn't anything crazy though, also it was kind of a pain in the ass. I'm thinking of ordering some presterilzed wbs bags and knocking those up for my first bigger grow, and if it makes sense to do it again I'll...
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    Leaves Look Odd, Week Four of Flowering

    This is a new strain for me and I'm not sure what these leaves are trying to tell me. Deficiency of some sort? The plant seems healthy, these are the kind of leaves that I am pulling off, they just don't seem to be yellowing like my other plants usually do. Thoughts?
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    Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

    Part of this "conspiracy" is probably just from math and the way that networks seem to form in nature. Barabasi wrote some interesting stuff on scale-free networks and how they appear in everyday life, here's a little intro from wikipedia: It...
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    pf tek noob, where are my mushrooms? am i being impatient?

    ok, so they grew! nice. like half of the cakes didn't do anything, i think they got dried out by the time i fixed my fruiting chamber. i'm going to pick what's on there and then dunk them all again and drill some holes in the bottom of the chamber to make it even better. just one question: two...
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    Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

    "The "language" of music is just an approximation of possibilities for what music can be. The church for a long time only allowed music that used certain notes or scales, and would kill anyone who moved away from their intellectual box. That is why all pop music sounds the same. 7 days in a...
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    Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

    Would you consider Ivy League universities to be a secret society? A lot of wealthy powerful people seem to get educated at them for some reason.
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    Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

    Let's just say that the world is actually run by a secret cabal of illuminati (to your body with the impact of a 12 gauge shotty (double ought slugs, no love, straight thugs)), why the fuck would they leave a bunch of clues to their existence that can only be discovered by people tripping sack...
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    Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

    oh man, wendy's is delicious. so, do y'all get high?
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    pf tek noob, where are my mushrooms? am i being impatient?

    well, half of the cakes are pinning now. i dunno if they're the ecuadorian or cambodian because i mixed them up (because i don't really care) but i assume one is faster than the other. thanks for the help, folks. how long does it take to go from shroom nub to bona fide shroom?
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    pf tek noob, where are my mushrooms? am i being impatient?

    ok, so part of the problem is that i'm just an idiot. i went to drill more holes, so i took out the cakes for a minute, and when i was putting them back i noticed that some of the cakes actually are pinning, and quite a bit. i think everything is fine now. anything i have to watch out for as far...
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    pf tek noob, where are my mushrooms? am i being impatient?

    i thought i was being overkill with my holes because i was going by this dude: who basically made one hole and stuffed it with polyfill.