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  1. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I didn't ask correctly man, that was my fault. I was wondering if it's too early to start to give her bloom nutes? She's in ground soil, I live in VA an it gets cold here around mid to early November. So I don't know how much time she'll have to bloom before it gets cold cold. You think by...
  2. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    Would it be too soon to start giving my nute to my plants?
  3. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    From what it looks like from much longer till the flowers set you think?
  4. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    Is this still considered preflower stage? How much longer do I wait before I start my bloom nutes? It's in the soil/ground.. I use RO water with some added calmag to balance her out. Thanks in advance for the advice
  5. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I mean I thought I was giving it too much water tbh. Been needing to give water just about every night now around 6pm..ugh
  6. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    Is this the sun and humidity doing this to my plants? It usually happens when it gets sunny hott/humid
  7. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I almost got the topdress from buildAsoil but I chose buildaBloom this time around. So your right. Teaspoon per gallon of water. I just need to call or email them I guess. Just need to know if it's gonna be once a week or every water or what? But yea your right it does have N in it. So next week...
  8. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    RO doesn't have any nutrients period. On the calmag bottle it says if you use RO, use calmag. So I was just doing so. Why do you not like calmag? Not a confrontational question just so u just wondering why?
  9. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I don't have a pH for tap (like an idiot) it's my 2nd grow and had no idea I was gonna grow this year.. I found a seed in gradeA quality bud from the dispensary an HAD to grow it lol yes I have RO through the house
  10. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    Now that you have said that. I do have a Branch that is small. At the bottom of the plant. That has purple stems the leaves have changed to a purple tint as well. I can't find much research on that (maybe Im just looking in the wrong places, thus my luck) but other then that 1 smaller branch at...
  11. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I use RO water. Which has zero calcium, magnesium or iron in it..the calmag provides a that
  12. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I just took some pics. Just put some RO water with calmag. I've been putting DE around the base and stock to keep the pests from crawling up. I am completely organic. Soil in the ground outside in the woods, 8hrs direct light. I have had some issued with russet mites but have taken care of that...
  13. OgruntZ

    Bloom nute question ⁉️

    You mean go to flower nutes during mid August right?
  14. OgruntZ

    Bloom nute question ⁉️

    Nice bro. So you're getting the preflowers now as well right? An still using a veg nute ?
  15. OgruntZ

    Bloom nute question ⁉️

    I'm not fighting the current. Jus not tryin get swept away. I usually use RO water with some calmag to balance out the nutes. Tonight, wasn't thinking and used my RO water with the fish fertilizer. I just think too far into shit
  16. OgruntZ

    Bloom nute question ⁉️

    No I'm not. So what do I do? I already did more fish fertilizer lol did I just fuck uo?
  17. OgruntZ

    Bloom nute question ⁉️

    So their doing this now in a bunch of pistols so far. Today was the day I have to nute with my veg Neptunes fish fertilizer. So I guess I'll just do that, and go by eye for the next week an when I start to see the clump of hairs I'll begin my bloom nute. Does that about right? Not tryin do this...
  18. OgruntZ

    Bloom nute question ⁉️

    So we're into august 2nd now and I'm starting to see hairs coming out of the pistols. Not ALL the pistols have hairs yet, but a good amount of pistols have 1 or 2 hairs so far. The bloom nute that I have chosen this year is "buildaBloom" from the buildAsoil site. Is this the time that I start...
  19. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    It is starting to stretch, Im noticing it more now that you said that. So Im not gonna cut out the calmag yet. I don't have a lot of hairs yet, there isn't any clumps of hairs I mean** but they are starting to come out 1 by 1 slowly When's the right time in your opinion to start my nute? Also...
  20. OgruntZ

    Bloom question

    I'm in va with a plant in the soil. Today as of July 31st starting to finally see some hairs coming out the pistols. I'm going to stop the calmag in the RO water considering there is nitrogen in the calmag, so I'll cut that out. The bloom nute that I have is from buildaSoil. I'm just wondering...