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  1. N

    Can you put outdoors plants into indoor flower tents mid flower??

    I was thinking they might finish up nicer in the tent because my led grown buds were a lot denser then the ones I grew outdoors last season but I always thought nothing beats the sun ? It is a 9-10 week strain, do u think possibly even finishing them off under the LED the last 2 weeks to...
  2. N

    Can you put outdoors plants into indoor flower tents mid flower??

    I’ve been bringing them into the tent at night so I’ve had them at 12/12 because the neighbours turn on their outside lights at night and light comes over the fence where my plants are so I have no choice but to bring them inside during the dark period. I was just wondering if led light on for...
  3. N

    Can you put outdoors plants into indoor flower tents mid flower??

    So I’m going away for a few days and my 2 outdoor plants are in 5th week of flower, am I able to put them into my indoor tents under my LED for 2 days or will that stress them?
  4. N

    Is this a common thing ?

    Started flowering my 2 not long after this post , they looking decent so guess it was nothing to worry about after all , might have to give the bigger one a good prune though
  5. N

    Is this a common thing ?

    I’m in Western Australia so it’s only just about to start flowering soon there’s still almost 14 hours of light a day, they are 9 gallon pots and the plants were transplanted into them about 2 and a half months ago, the temps have been pretty high lately like 30-40 degrees that could be...
  6. N

    Is this a common thing ?

    I never thought of that you could possibly be right , my last grow outdoors I insulated my pot and never come across this problem and temps here are between 30-40 degrees Celsius lately , it’s just strange it’s only happening on the new shoots at the top only on the branches I topped and the...
  7. N

    Is this a common thing ?

    Haha yeh why do you ask
  8. N

    Is this a common thing ?

    So my plants were very little when went into flower by accident as put outside too early so revegged them ( this was 4 months ago) and did the usual 3 finger leaves till started growing normal again but about 2 weeks ago I topped for the first time in a while and where I topped is throwing out a...
  9. N

    Does this have enough nitrogen/ other problems?

    I appreciate you help bro , they are looking great again
  10. N

    Does this have enough nitrogen/ other problems?

    Thanks so much for your help bro before I couldn’t understand that shit for the life of me. It’s a relief to know it’s looking better than I thought , I might put the yellowing down to her being a hungry bitch and maybe feed a day earlier from now on. They are going into flower in a weeks time I...
  11. N

    Does this have enough nitrogen/ other problems?

    Yeh I’m not sure how to read those nutrient levels, in only feeding at half strength once a week, do you think I’m underfeeding then? I don’t have a ph meter I just use that test kit with the drops and there’s no way it’s in the 5s it tests in the green so from 6-7 , my tap water here comes out...
  12. N

    Does this have enough nitrogen/ other problems?

    So grow was going good but lately having issues thinking nitrogen. Done a flush and continue feeds and is good for a few days then starts loseing green colour again. Grown in soil/coco mix and feed these nutrients , just wondering is that enough nitrogen in the nutrients and how much and how...
  13. N

    What would you do plant height

    So multiple toppings will keep it short ? , how many times would you top, I need to be able to move the plant to the store room when I have rent inspections so unfortunately can’t get too elaborate with screens and things
  14. N

    What would you do plant height

    So here’s a pic of my outdoor plants (in Aus) , strain unknown heavy sativa I’d say and almost triples in flower , both went into flower when they were tiny as I put outside too early and now they are back in full veg , LSTd the smaller one as I’m loving the structure of the bigger one and...
  15. N

    Is this a runt or something else?

    I might not even bother with it , flowering wouldn’t even get me a quarter
  16. N

    Is this a runt or something else?

    I only kept it to see how it would turn out because I couldn’t find a seedling like it on the net but I don’t think it’s worth keeping now if it’s gonna stay like this and if like u said only produces a small harvest , growing is illegal here in Aus and I might be able to get away with a fine...
  17. N

    Is this a runt or something else?

    This is my 3rd grow , popped 10 seeds kept the best 2 and a mutant seedling and gave away the rest. My mutant looking seedling is prob a quarter size of my good 2 and the whole thing is tiny and bushy and leaves are really small and I suspect fully developed. Can’t find any info on this it’s...
  18. N

    Quick nanner question, would you smoke?

    Haha I’m confused too well I’ll try explain it best I can because I couldn’t find much info on the net after looking so much. 2 weeks in flower buds showed up with balls everywhere so confirmed hermie , I stripped everything and left only top flowers n picked off balls as they showed , 4 weeks...
  19. N

    Quick nanner question, would you smoke?

    Cheers mate, Just to be sure i understand ya ,should I pull off every part that has nanners coming out of it or should I just take my time and pick nanners out and smoke the shit they came out of ?