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  1. N

    Quick nanner question, would you smoke?

    So my plant was a hermie with balls and flowers I saved for a while by chopping balls then week 5 nanners popped up everywhere like clusters so left it and was gonna use it for cooking. Now I’ve harvested it there’s heaps of tricombs and smells so good but buds are rittled with nanners like...
  2. N

    Accidentally induced flower

    How much hours of light would be best
  3. N

    Accidentally induced flower

    (In West Australia) So I had a few seedlings outside these past few weeks , they were receiving about 13 hours light and didn’t expect them to reach maturity or even flower anytime soon but they have now and they are tiny. Last 3 days I’ve put them under LED after sundown now so total of...
  4. N

    Anybody had a weird seedling like this ?

    Here’s a couple pics of the 7 I’ve kept, all seeds from same plant, as you can see they are growing at slightly different rates and showing signs of differrent phenos , I gave away the other 3 and I’m give away another 3 once I pick the 3 strongest and I’m keeping my mutant. Ps could be slightly...
  5. N

    Anybody had a weird seedling like this ?

    Haha nah that’s how the leaf came out of the seed all twisted and crumbled looking and continued to grow that way it’s only in seed raising mix too
  6. N

    Anybody had a weird seedling like this ?

    One of my 10 seedlings was mutated like this, I’m gonna grow it out for fun just wondering if will continue to grow odd or turn into a normal plant ?
  7. N

    Don’t give up on your hermies

    If it’s all you have growing there’s no harm in keeping it and pick off as much as you can as you go, could always be used for butter in the end if u don’t want to pick seeds out
  8. N

    Don’t give up on your hermies

    Luckily I can attend to it twice a day otherwise there would be no hope , I still cant understand why none of the very tops grew ballsacs but everywhere below was rittled with them and they keep showing up every couple of days.
  9. N

    Don’t give up on your hermies

    Day 13 flower has ballsacs mixed with flowers at every budsite! Everyone said chuck it but a nearly 5 month veg I decided I couldn’t n try get something in the end so stripped the whole plant and left only some top flowers and picked ballsacs out of them and kept watch to see what happens. (It...
  10. N

    My Mission to salvage something from a true hermie

    Update 30 days into 12/12. Still another 5-6 weeks to go. So the top colas are developing well and no signs off pollen sacs or nanners on them but all the branches below keep popping out pollen sacs every couple of days. So staying on top of it all and if this stays the way it does till the...
  11. N

    My Mission to salvage something from a true hermie

    Sorry mate I didn’t mean to sound arrogant and not take your word for it, my knowledge is only limited to what I’ve read all over the internet because that’s my only sources so forgive my lack of understanding haha , so anyways moving on what do you think I should do with this plant from now on...
  12. N

    My Mission to salvage something from a true hermie

    Well from what I’ve read from all the weed sites and forums that seeds that herm means they have the herm trait in their genetics and stress brings it out also if you have feminized seeds and they stress herm then 99% of seeds should be female but you have a high risk of a few herms but also...
  13. N

    My Mission to salvage something from a true hermie

    It doesn’t look like one now but it had pollen sacs and flowers at every flower site but for some reason the real top flowers didn’t have any but as it’s developing some are showing up besides the new flowers I just picked off. I’ve done a lot of research into stress hermies and true hermies and...
  14. N

    My Mission to salvage something from a true hermie

    Nah this was a true hermie not a stressed herm just came with the genetics , it was grown from a late stress hermed female ( major light periods during dark periods where nanners piped up on lower branches) but it came from feminized seeds so expected all female seeds but obviously some small...
  15. N

    My Mission to salvage something from a true hermie

    So 9 days ago (13 days into 12/12) I found my plant was a hermie ballsacs mixed with flowers at 90% of all sites. Was going to throw it away but after 5 months of growing this plant I thought what’s the harm in tryna save it so started stripping everything and leaving some of the main top colas...
  16. N

    Full blown hermie pick or rip ?!

    I’m pretty sure I’m just going to end up binning this one, I couldn’t bare the thought of throwing it away that easy so i stripper the shit out of everything and removed all ballsacs from the remaining top flowering buds and I’m left with this haha , gonna keep an eye on it and let it finish up...
  17. N

    Full blown hermie pick or rip ?!

    Laws are pretty fucked here, Australia is so behind in legalising it we only legalised medical marijuana a few months ago and I think that has heaps of restrictions. I possibly could try import some seeds but no doubt customs would seize them if found and don’t want that tracking back to me...
  18. N

    Full blown hermie pick or rip ?!

    h Yeh I’ve looked at the reverse products but being in Australia there’s no chance I’ll get it in time , I have another one about a month old and just started to germinate 10 seeds lastnight . I thought seeds from a stress hermied plant from feminized seeds should only have a 5% chance of...
  19. N

    Full blown hermie pick or rip ?!

    Can’t believe this shit, 13 days into flower everything was looking good up until yesterday turn lights on and see pollen sacs mixed with pistils , took it out the scrog and inside for closer inspection and the whole plant has full hermied every budsite is a mix of pollen sacs and pistils, don’t...