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  1. N

    Really need help with this plant!

    i have no idea why my plant started to get worse again after it started getting better when I didn’t do anything different , my guess is it’s hungry for magnesium so dollar fed lastnight and made zero difference over night. Plants had a rough life and more so bad couple of months it went from...
  2. N

    Should I flip and scrog question?

    You’ve got me sussed, that was what I was planning on my next grow. I’m still really novice to this , I’ve only grown outdoors once and got hooked and thought I’d do a indoor grow and learn the training techniques for my outdoor grow this year so really this is only my second grow and I’ve ran...
  3. N

    Should I flip and scrog question?

    Damn I wish my first scrog turns out half as good as yours ,good work bro! So from what I’ve learned from you i should just go ahead and flip her in about 10 days then
  4. N

    Should I flip and scrog question?

    You can see the knuckles in this photo that was taken 10 days ago after a bit of extra LST, This next photo I just took her out of the tent to show you where it’s at (keep in mind she’s not that healthy atm)
  5. N

    Should I flip and scrog question?

    Thanks for the replies mate , I’ve supercropped the 4 main stems before should I supercropped the same branch again ? Also I’ve read into that link a few times before haha I’m just confused as I know this plant stretches heaps I wasn’t sure if to put the scrog up against the canopy and then flip...
  6. N

    Should I flip and scrog question?

    Ok a quick brief on the life of the plant, not sure of strain but it’s sativa or sativa dominant as I grew it outdoors last year and stress herm from light in dark period gave me some seeded lower branches. This plant has been vegging 3 months, the first month and a half I didn’t have good...
  7. N

    Is it ok to water again?

    The soil was decent I found out about it on a few other threads from Aussie growers that use it , the problem where i think I went wrong was I maybe added a bit much epsom salt into my mix before transplant and fucked up the soil PH , I thought adding it would be good haha but from everything...
  8. N

    Transplant shock or toxicity

    Flushed my plant today after all the signs of zinc lockout and after my pot had finally dried up , I was PHing my water to 6.5 and my PH was coming out at 5 , 60 litres of water later and got it perfect again. Do you think this was caused by the over watering or the potting mix with dynamic...
  9. N

    Is it ok to water again?

    Thanks mate , have you got any advice on the questions I asked ?? Haha Cheers
  10. N

    Is it ok to water again?

    Hi everyone , 16 days ago I transplanted my girl into a bigger pot and overwatered heavy and she was in shock from it too for a while. Anyways she’s bounced back to about 70% healthy but is experiencing a zinc deficiency, I know this from hours of research and the symptoms and was caused by the...
  11. N

    Transplant shock or toxicity

    This plant has taken some shit though as I’m learning the training techniques indoors before the outdoor season here in Australia. This was it on June 20th when I had just supercropped the 2 main beaches from when I topped the main cola. As soon as it’s healthy again I reckon it will...
  12. N

    Transplant shock or toxicity

    Cheers mate, she’s doing a lot better now I’ll put up some photos but really doesn’t do it justice, tbh its only at about 70% healthy atm I’d say, I haven’t watered since the transplant so nearly 13 days and the pot still has some weight to it, I can see through some of the holes I’ve poked all...
  13. N

    Transplant shock or toxicity

    I legit just went outside into my storeroom and stabbed holes all around the pot. I’ve been looking into some feeding schedules and being in Aus the best thing I can get from Bunnings that is a hydro nute which can also be used in soil medium is AG-GROW grow and bloom so I’m going to start...
  14. N

    Transplant shock or toxicity

    Thanks for your reply , I only watered it because I thought u needed to give it a good soak when transplanting it , I let it dry out before transplanting too and had no issues with this pot with my last grow so the pot or the medium shouldn’t be the problem right?
  15. N

    Transplant shock or toxicity

    Hey everyone second time grow here and and having some issues. My first grow was an outdoor grow and I learnt nearly every problem the hard way but came good at the end of it all. This time round growing indoors first time something went wrong with my transplant and for some reason my plant is...
  16. N

    How many plants ??

    Update : I ended up ordering a mars hydro 600watt LED light , actually power is 265watt which should be perfect for my 2x2 from what I’ve learned from you guys. I’m sending back that other light , spent 229$ on the mars hydro light but seems like it will be worth it in the end. Cheers for the...
  17. N

    How many plants ??

    That looks really good but a bit complicated for me to figure out and setting it up etc. if I got another one of the lights I have now would that be sufficient or any idea of another brand maybe a 300watt vipaspectra led beside it for flower ? To be honest I’d prefer something as simple as the...
  18. N

    How many plants ??

    Thanks for your time to write that bro, I’m all ears now mate after hearing that I’ll get another light for flower too please point me in the right direction without breaking the bank haha
  19. N

    How many plants ??

    Sorry I didn’t mean to sound ignorant, I know it’s not that great but will be hard to send back now and what I really want to know now is will it be ok still to grow a plant ? Like will it only take longer to grow or will it severely effect yield ? If I did what someone else stated here and...
  20. N

    How many plants ??

    This sounds like a decent idea as I really didn’t want to give away my other seedlings and wanted to grow and train the plants properly from scratch, do you think the plant in the photo Ive got now could produce the same amount as the method you said in the same time frame as it’s been growing a...