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  1. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    Your probably right I did use flowering nutes and pk13/14 bit early thinking it would be a 8 week flowering plant . So do I leave longer or is it best to chop now before buds get bigger and the trichs keep turning amber . Will there be much difference in amber tricombs if I left it another week...
  2. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    I don't know if this is a sign it's finishing but it's barely used up much of the water since it's last watering and usually in previous weeks it drinks like crazy and it's still been hot here where I am in Aus
  3. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    Im living at a rental and will be moving out in a couple months so I can't reveg a branch but luckily I will have the seeds for another time. I'm going away for a few days in a weeks time , should I harvest it in 6 days or will it be too late then , It's only had mollases and phd water this last...
  4. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    This was 4th of march when it started to lose a lot of leaves also a few days before I fucked the pistils up and they had only just started to turn brown at this time . So what do you think I do from here as it's my first grow and I have no idea to chop or not haha
  5. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    I really do want to wait because I want the buds to fatten bud I don't want the thc to deteriorate from waiting to long , is this normal for sativas and will a lot more new trichs form later on as it fattens ? Here's a pic from January 7 , was taken 2 weeks after I got it from the guy
  6. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    Trichs on the bud Calyxs , the sugar leaves trichs are pretty much half amber, I have handled them a little bit so could be amber from damaged but there's cloudy ones turning amber
  7. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    So If it's got 4/8 weeks to go what would be the case with the tricombs turning colour
  8. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    They were some feminized seeds a mates mate from work who I no longer have contact with grew and he planted 6 and they all grew so he gave some plants away while still small in veg and I grew it out , it did stress herm a bit 4/5 weeks ago and unfortunately I missed all the nanners and got some...
  9. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    I forgot to mention the stretch ended somewhere around January 20/25 and buds appeared around January 25/feb 1st and it's now march 23rd so that makes it roughly 8 weeks give or take a few days since buds appeared on plant I'd say
  10. N

    Nearing end of grow , a lot of amber tricombs but buds not fat enough

    Alright so this is my first grow and no doubt had a fair few problems along the way but it's almost the finish line or it's past the finish line I'm not sure. For the last 10 days or so my buds have started to put on weight and get fatter, I'm not sure of the strain but from recent posts on...
  11. N

    Help! Burnt plants with pyrethrum with 3 weeks flower to go

    Alright so an update as promised , it's been 11 days since the incident and although the leaves went from bad to worse from that day ( as in worse I mean crisped up bad where they were effected and died off a bit, but was probably expected) I continued the process and kept doing everything as...
  12. N

    Help! Burnt plants with pyrethrum with 3 weeks flower to go

    Thanks for the replies I'm a bit more at ease now, il be sure to post a picture in a week to show progress , if I don't then it most likely died haha peace man
  13. N

    Help! Burnt plants with pyrethrum with 3 weeks flower to go

    I just double checked and seems perfectly fine to use , the issue was I put it in the sun after so droplets burnt all the leaves , anyways I'm just wondering if the plant can be managed to make it the distance and a little scientific or experienced explanations on the answers , thanks mate
  14. N

    Help! Burnt plants with pyrethrum with 3 weeks flower to go

    Lightly sprayed the buds in the process of spraying all leaves , I researched pyrethum u was ok to spray all over the plant and degrades in the sun fast ?
  15. N

    Help! Burnt plants with pyrethrum with 3 weeks flower to go

    This is pretty embarrassing as I was on here last week asking about my plant yellowing and I had solved the issue with some veg nutes thanks to everyone's help, but now I've gone and cooked my plant ! I noticed spider mites and being so late in flower only thing I could think safe to use and...
  16. N

    Plant dying 6th week of flower (unknown strain)

    Just curious, how much bigger do you think the buds will get from now on till harvest? And im not sure if there's an accurate way to tell and I'm sure it varies on a number of things but as I don't know the strain or length of flower period , how would I determine when's there's 2 weeks left so...
  17. N

    Any idea what strain this is / how long left

    Thanks man that's reassuring , the plant didn't have any odour until mid 4th week of flower that has gradually gotten stronger since then, the buds are getting pretty sticky too, the smell has a citrusy orange pungent kind of smell to it , I wonder if your right and it's more or a lemony smell...
  18. N

    Any idea what strain this is / how long left

    Yeh I know the leaves that are yellow have no chance of turning around I'm just hopeing the ones that are showing signs of going yellow can bounce back, I guess I jumped on the flowering nutes way to fast thinking this was a 8 week flowering strain and wouldn't be too worried with just over 2...