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  1. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Some little white cotton ball looking guys, about the size of popcorn kernels. I figured if I was seeing mold on top of the soil it meant I was watering too much. I had planned on having all this done over a month ago LOL I have been hung high and dry
  2. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Yea I've been held up on the transplant because my friend has had the rest of my amendments this whole time and disappeared. I ended up ordering 1 cuft of buildasoil last week just to get me into the bigger pots, it should be here tomorrow hopefully. I've had my soil a little too wet lately so...
  3. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    A quick pic of the little ones, 2 in the front are the dirty snow (chem d x humboldt snow) from seed, in the back are cuts from my friend. On the left is meltdown, right is b1 (mikado cross). Unfortunately my friend has been holding the whole process up now for quite some time. I've been waiting...
  4. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Great ideas thank you! Any chance of me burning the plants with too much? I did a couple topdressings of alfalfa and kelp but not sure if I used enough it had no effect lol my little ones are definitely needing nitrogen at the moment. Before I noticed your response I ended up filling them the...
  5. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    I need an up pot pretty much now lol any ideas on how to extend it?
  6. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Glad to hear all went well! No cook is a legit method? My soil ingredients came a bit late and I'm already too far along to be able to cook it in time. I don't really have any qualms with lime, there's more guessing and checking when it comes to pH if you have to lime it correct?
  7. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Cool thank you for your input
  8. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Thank you for that. What base would not need lime? (other than pre-mixed stuff) Super nub question haha! I see dolomite lime has more magnesium than ag lime (which is what I was told to use) any benefit to it? Would I not need epsom salt if I used dolomite lime instead? Definitely a lot of...
  9. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Just like practically everything I hear on this thread someone else has to tell me this is wrong too lol. I'm not sure what to believe anymore hahah! So how do you guys go about your liming? And what are your main sources for it? Biochar will do the same??
  10. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Oh cool then I should have added mine by now lol it's a learning process. From my undersranding I believe if you leave the root balls in the soil the mycos do stay indefinitely and you shouldn't need to inoculate anymore. But what do I know lol I'm just parroting information I read elsewhere...
  11. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Makes sense I get ya. The compost idea is nice and easy haha
  12. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Awesome good stuff thank you! I'm curious what would happen if you used it without being charged? Would they eventually work their way in by themselves? I've also been told no nutes in the seedling soil, interesting hmmm...
  13. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Ah gotcha I see lol I moved it just a little bit closer yesterday to around 20" we'll see how that goes
  14. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Calli and Shluby are you both doing no till as well?
  15. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    I've heard so many horror stories about over-watering seedlings but not much from under-watering surprisingly. I was told "absolutely no more than once a day" from several people but I've been definitely needing to do twice a day, and I've held off on it every single time for the fear of damping...
  16. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Well I tried, but it looks like the runt isn't going to make it. No problems propping it up, just didn't help much. Oh well no big deal.
  17. F

    All Natural Organics. The Dons' Summaries + FAQ Thread. <2017-'18>

    Looks like mulch is the way to go, thanks guys! Is it a lot cheaper to make your own biochar? What do you put in your seedling soil? Any myco yet? Any nutes, labs, teas, anything at all? And what about veg vs flower, do you keep your soil recipe the same for both and just amend as needed?
  18. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Very good information here thank you! I wasn't aware that the wet/dry cycles were for bottled grows mainly. I've heard so many horror stories about over-watering seedlings but not much from under-watering surprisingly. I was told "absolutely no more than once a day" from several people but I've...
  19. F

    Check out my seedlings, how am I doing?

    Well I tried, but it looks like the runt isn't going to make it. No problems propping it up, just didn't help much. Oh well no big deal.